Every Day (A Poem)

by StevenHelmer

A poem about having your faith tested and looking for ways to restore it.

I did not attend church until relatively recently (after I was married and became a parent) and, even then, it took me some time before I could truly say I found my faith. Even today, however, I still find that faith being tested pretty much on a daily basis by stress at work, what I see in the news and even people I meet on the street. This poem was inspired by those daily moments and the various ways God has helped me restore that faith on a daily basis.

My Poem

Every Day

I find my faith being tested.

There is always something that causes me to question my faith in God

Especially on the day he rested.

Every day

I have so much stress, it's hard not to take His name in vain.

And I find it difficult not to love my neighbors as myself

Partly because there are so many times when they act so insane.

Every Day

I face so much temptation and find myself wondering if He is really watching me.

If I were to give in, would it be such a bad thing?

Especially if there's nobody else around to see?

Every Day

I struggle with so many questions of faith.

I wonder if I really have a soul

And, if so, if it really will be, as He promised, saved.

Miracle of Birth
Miracle of Birth
Photo Courtesy of Pixabay

Every Day

I see one of God's miracles performed

Sometimes they are big, other times they are small

But, when they happened, my whole world is transformed.

 Every Day

I see the sun rise in the sky

I feel its warmth on my skin

And realize it had to be hung there on purpose. I do not lie.

Every Day

I see my children and think about the miracle of birth.

When I do, I think about how it seems like such an impossible thing

And needs to be guided by something or someone from beyond the Earth.

Every Day

I listen to the birds sing their songs

I look at the colors of the flowers and the leaves

Then I realize my faith in God can't be wrong.

Every Day

I see these miracles, they always manage to strike a chord

And, just as quickly as it was tested

My faith in God is restored.

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Updated: 12/04/2016, StevenHelmer
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judy on 12/04/2016

Beautiful! I love it! And it's so very true!

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