Facts About Mice
Mice really are everywhere! You can find varieties of mice in all corners of the globe and living in all climates. But mice are good at hiding. You may not see a mouse very often, but that doesn’t mean there may not be mice living nearby.
Mice are rodents, just like rats and squirrels. What all rodents share is that they have sharp front teeth that never stop growing. Rodents are a sub-group of mammals, which means that a mother mouse gives birth to her babies and feeds them with milk from her mammary glands.
There are many different kinds of mice, some of which only live in a small area and others of which are spread across continents. North America is the home of hundreds of types of mice.
The mouse’s closest cousin is the vole, which is often mistaken for a mouse. The vole is a little bigger than a mouse but has smaller eyes and ears and a shorter tail. Its common name is the field mouse.
The deer mouse is found all across the continent while more specialized mice, such as the Sitka mouse, can only be found on some of the smaller Haida Gwaii (formerly called the Queen Charlotte Islands) off the west coast of Canada.
They really are cute, especially when you watch them up close. I think the phobia has a lot to do with the way some mice take over our houses and get into everything. Not so great for our health. Still, I agree, they can be cute.
I love mice! I had one as a pet. Well, I just like to have weird pets, that is all. :)
They are really cute and funny. But many people are afraid of mice. It is common phobia. Never understood why, for they are such a lovely creatures.
Very interesting facts to be found in this article. And I adore those baby mice in the video. :)
They sure can, Katie. And Samsara, it's always a bit uncomfortable to empty a snapped mouse trap. If they would only stay outside . . . .
WOW those baby mice are so tiny and cute. I have cats and our neighbors have cats as well, we don't see many mice around our street. Oh my after reading this I'm glad we have the cats on prowl as mice can really make for a few headaches.
Pastiche, you probably already know this, but be sure to check your wires under the hood before driving your car. Rodents can cause so much damage by chewing on them. Could be a safety issue.
Maybe the reason I've chosen a mouse as the main character of my children's book is because they've been a challenge for me to deal with in my real life, too! I have an allergy to cats, but have tried to have outdoor cats. Unfortunately, they aren't very safe in my neighborhood with all our wild animals. I'm working on finding a solution for that, but it's not easy. I lost two very well-loved kitties in the last year.
I have mice ... in my car. I am so dismayed to discover they've moved into my car over the past few days. I've tried everything to deter them - dryer sheets, noise, traps and what not. I hope they move out as the weather gets warm and the car heats up in the sun.
Oh my, now you've made me feel so guilty that I have two cats that love to hunt mice! My rickety old farmhouse used to have lots of mice and probably mice babies. But BusyBody and Chaos have taken care of that.
This page makes mice sound so darn cute! I've seen many different types of mice thanks to what my cat catches. I've seen tiny gray ones and long tan ones. I'm always happy when my cat catches a mouse that's been living someplace inside!