Synopsis: After Hanna (Ashley Benson) accidentally kills Dr. Rollins (Huw Collins), the PLLs go to work burying his body, covering up the accident and making it look like he just fled town. However, as they have learned way too often, their plan quickly begins to unravel as a variety of mistakes are made. They also learn Rollins had another accomplice.

Final Thoughts From the Pretty Little Liars Episode "Hit and Run, Run, Run
by StevenHelmer
Thoughts from the season 7 episode that first aired July 12, 2016.
Haven't These Girls Learned Anything From the Previous Six Seasons?
More and more, this series is beginning to remind me of "The Simpsons" episode "Itchy and Scratchy Land." Or, more specifically, the scene in that episode where the helicopter pilot tells them nothing can "possi-blie" go wrong before acknowledging his mispronunciation is the first thing to ever go wrong.
In this episode, the second the PLLs talked about thinking of everything, I just knew something bad was going to happen. And, as it turns out, it was several bad things, ranging from Spencer (Troian Bellisario) getting drunk and nearly hooking up with some guy she just met to Hanna dropping her bracelet in Rollins' car.
Personally, I think Emily (Shay Mitchell) is the only one with any real common sense and the best thing she could do for herself is break ranks and go to the authorities. Yes, there's a chance she would end up throwing her friends under a bus. But, right now, their bad decisions are dragging her down with them.
One Thing They Also Likely Forgot About....
Is security cameras. You can't tell me a mental hospital doesn't have them at least in their lobby area and hallways, making Aria's (Lucy Hale) efforts to impersonate Rollins while returning Alison (Sasha Pieterse) to her room something that should have been caught on film.
And, even if the hospital didn't have them, I would think the train station would. So, don't be surprised if video surveillance suddenly shows up.
This, Of Course, Raises the Question, Why Didn't They Go to the Police?
I'm not a lawyer, but the only crime I saw committed by the PLLs in the woods was burying a body and covering up the scene of an accident. Spencer's claim it was 1st-degree homicide was pretty far fetched.
Yes, I'm sure if they went to the police, Hanna might be accused of hitting Rollins on purpose. But, unless someone was standing in the trees recording it on their phone, the evidence supporting a theory like that is weak at best (and probably not much stronger even with video evidence). And, considering Rollins, himself, was in the middle of committing a crime, I just don't see what they are seeing.
In fact, considering Toby (Keegan Allen) discovered Rollins wasn't who he said he was, I think they would have been pretty much off the hook had they come clean right away. Now, they have once again dug themselves into a hole and are forced to lie.
Jenna's Back!
I was wondering if/when Jenna (Tammin Sursok) would make her return and I have to admit, it was pretty awesome seeing her surprise appearance at the Radley.
This episode also wasted no time revealing her as Rollins' accomplice, apparently finally getting her revenge on Alison after all those years. And, now that we know Alison isn't Charlotte's (Vanessa Ray) killer (or, at least she claims she isn't the killer), Jenna automatically jumps to the top of the suspect list, though I personally still think Lucas (Brendan Robinson) is the one who killed her out of blind love for Hanna.
Final Opinion
I'm glad to see Jenna back. But, this episode really was kind of dumb the more I think about it, mostly because the majority of it is based on the PLLs ridiculous decision not to go to the police, something that has been their trademark for way too long.
My Grade: C
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