Final Thoughts From The Walking Dead Episode "The Next World"

by StevenHelmer

Thoughts from the season 6 television episode that first aired February 21, 2016.

Synopsis: Rick (Andrew Lincoln) and Daryl (Norman Reedus) come across a truck filled with supplies while on a run. However, returning to Alexandria with their newly-discovered loot ends up being much more difficult than expected. Michonne (Danai Gurira) follows Spencer (Austin Nichols) into the woods in an effort to find out what he is up to.

Who Was Left to Guard the Wall?

I can understand why Michonne would want to investigate why Spencer was wandering into the woods by himself while carrying a shovel. But, did she bother to find someone to cover for her while she left her post? Considering what they just went through, both with the walkers and the Wolves, you would think leaving the wall unguarded for that long of a time would be frowned upon.

I Blame Daryl for the Lost Truck

Maybe this is just me. But, if it were the zombie apocalypse, I just discovered the mother load of supplies and I knew there were people out there that would be interested in stealing them, I personally believe I would drive that truck back to Alexandria without making any stops.

While I can understand the reason for Daryl wanting to break into that old vending machine, it just seems like he would have been better off returning later rather than making it easier for Paul "Jesus" Rovia (Tom Payne) to steal the vehicle.

Speaking of the Truck

I'm still not sure why, exactly, they both needed to ride in it. Would it really have made that much of a difference for one of them to drive the truck and the other to follow behind in the car? If nothing else, that decision would have given them an easier way to pursue the truck when it was stolen.

Ironically, I was actually questioning their choice of vehicles to begin with. If you're going on a supply run, you would think you'd want to take a truck, minivan or something that would hold more than that car would have. What would have happened had they found those supplies and they weren't already conveniently packed into a truck? Would they have made several trips?

Is Judith Ever Going to Grow Up?

To be fair, I've lost track of just how much time has actually passed since she was born and I'm sure we're still talking months rather than years. But, I have to think she has reached a point where her rolling over in her sleep wouldn't be such a huge deal. Heck, I would think she would be walking by now.

It's About Time

The whole Rick/Michonne relationship honestly wasn't that big of a surprise. In fact, I was half expecting it to happen a season or two ago. And, I did love how the writers managed to make it seem natural rather than forced (especially since their conversation on the couch reminded me a lot of the evenings my wife and I have spent).

Of course, I do have to wonder if she feels a little hurt by the fact he was so interested in Jessie (Alexandra Breckenridge) and maybe wonders if he's now only interested in her because Jessie is dead. Let's face it, Rick was pursuing Jessie while she was still married. I have a hard time believing he got over her so quickly.

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Final Opinion

This was actually a pretty entertaining episode and I'm interested to see what this new character, "Jesus," brings to the series going forward, especially since it is hard to read whether or not he's going to be on their side or is working for someone else. Overall, I have to say I enjoyed it.

My Grade: A

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Updated: 02/22/2016, StevenHelmer
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StevenHelmer on 02/23/2016

One thing I was questioning when they first met "Jesus" was whether or not he had been following them for a time or if he was simply waiting at that gas station for a random person to stop. It just seems like too much of a coincidence for it to be the latter.

dustytoes on 02/23/2016

How did a tied up guy get loose so fast and climb up on top of the truck. And why did he make noise so they had to flip him off? And why didn't' they just flip him off and drive away! Why would they further want to deal with him? And the truck coming out of gear and backing into the lake was the dumbest thing ever.
When "Jesus" bumped into Rick in the first meeting, that seemed odd. You mean to tell me that a seasoned cop wouldn't have thought it odd too?
Sometimes I think the writers consider viewers to be only slightly smarter than the zombies.
I watch this show because my son wants to, and he wants me to watch with him. All I keep thinking is "I am missing Downton Abbey for this!"

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