They've made drink cups that are supposed to mimic the cold air of the fridge with ice cubes but this doesn't do the trick before it becomes too hot itself and only the outside of the drink gets cold before the drink can chain react to fully stay cold.
The concept was nice but ice is the only way to guarantee the entire drink gets cold. The unfortunate side effect is the water dilutes the drink in the end. Now you have a really cold but watery drink. Yay.
I've heard of those plastic cubes but they don't do it either as you start to smell the plastic as you drink and that can ruin the flavor of your drink. Often times we forget to freeze them anyway don't we..
I wonder if this is a subconscious revolution not to use them. The other thing is its no better than the cups with the layer of frozen goo inside it, it simply is not efficient enough to work to really chill your drink in the middle. Ice actually penetrates and makes your drink cold but we need a way to use ice-cubes without diluting the drink or smelling plastic.

So here we are again at square one. The only efficient way to keep a drink cold is to use ice cubes... but we don't like the cold drink to be watered down so were left with one choice.. drink it fast before it gets diluted. We have replaced one problem with another haven't we?
But their is a solution that allows us to use ice without diluting the drink my friends...
The answer has actually been there in front of us the whole time but no one seems to see it.
It's so simple yet so brilliant their just aren't words to describe how "cool" it is.
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hmm Salt, I'll have to try that sounds gross but hey you can't knock it if you don't try it right? Salt is the main ingredient in gatorade, did you know that? The electrolytes are salt. The body burns off water in exercise and salt but you can't just drink water as the salt isn't replenished so a few swigs of gatorade and a lot of water is better than just water- so if your adding salt to your beverages then your body is likely telling you your deficient. The thing about salt is your body only recognizes that it tastes good when you need it, when your "full" it tastes less desirable... interesting comment :) thanks for reading! I have some fascinating ones coming up next (9 of them) covering telepathy, dangers of cussing, dawning of the age of aquarius (what that means) and more...
I don't add ice to my cold-drinks usually, but when it comes to sprite I love adding a pinch of salt (yup salt) it does improve the taste. Gotta give these a try though.