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Good Morning or Good Evening

Posts: 847
on 07/28/2012

Who's working on Saturday? I almost always do. I've been having a hard time sleeping this last week. I wake up at about three or four o'clock in the morning and can't go back to sleep. This morning I got two articles posted. I hope to get two more posted today.

I think I'll set a goal of two articles a day. That will be a lot for me. I would like to make it three, but with my Mama living with me it's impossible. Elderly people are just as bad as kids when it comes to interuptions.

So get your coffee, tea or diet coke and get to work.  Rise and shine!


Brenda Reeves
Posts: 477
on 07/28/2012

Good Evening Brenda :) I published 3 yesterday and 2 today, third one on its way.

Check out my blog SEO for Dummies
Posts: 847
on 07/28/2012

That's great lobo! I wish I could get faster at this. Three a day would be great for me.

Brenda Reeves
Posts: 477
on 07/28/2012

Yay! I published 4 today :) I'm currently focusing on a niche here and these are somewhat quick to write. Moreover I enjoy writing these - they look pretty 

Check out my blog SEO for Dummies
Posts: 1816
on 07/28/2012

Wow!  You lot are on a roll!

I've had to down tools a bit this week.  There's been a family bereavement and I'm not well.  But I've just been and got a nasal spray thing for the latter.  It's really worked!

I'll probably start writing again on Monday.  In the meantime, I'll just cheerlead the rest of you.

Posts: 477
on 07/28/2012

I'm aiming for 50 wizzles and just crossed the halfway mark today. Looking forward to Monday to read your Wizzes Jo :)

Check out my blog SEO for Dummies
Posts: 3100
on 07/28/2012

Hi Jo,

I just got back from a funeral myself. Close family member, 52 years old, crack stopped the heart. So sad.

You take good care of yourself.  Smile

Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform, yeah -
Posts: 274
on 07/28/2012

Ryan, you really are rolling them out! I've slowed down due to family visits. I'm traveling to see grandchildren in a few days and will probably be pretty busy in the next little bit.

I'm sorry for your losses, Chef and Jo.

My community experienced a landslide in the last few weeks. I don't feel I can write about it as it wouldn't feel right -- at least not yet, and not with money making modules attached. As I don't make too much from them anyway, it wouldn't even be useful as a fund-raiser for the victims. Four people were killed. There's a memorial service today. I guess you can say I've been too preoccupied to get much writing done.

Read one of my books Sheila's Books
Posts: 847
on 07/28/2012

Sorry for your loses Jo and Chef. Sheilamarie, This unpredictable weather is scary. It makes me appreciate the earthquakes in CA. I've been in two major ones in L.A. You don't know when they're coming, it's over with fast, but if you're still alive, you have nothing to worry about. They do scare 10 years off of your life though.

Brenda Reeves
Posts: 1210
on 07/28/2012

My condolences to Jo and Chef,

Saturday is often my ONLY day off, although I have to watch over tickets and article directory entries (at my day job) but I tend to spend most of this day playing around or writing on Wizzley... today I spent (too much) time on the forum and wasting time :)


Posts: 1816
on 07/29/2012

Thank you all for your kind thoughts.  My love goes out to you too, Achim, and to your family. 

As for writing, I seem to have perked up a bit.  I'm way too late to get my Lughnasadh article in the 'popular' stream, by the time the Sabbat occurs.  But I have got it onto Wizzley!

Lammas: Celebrating the Wiccan Festival of First Harvest

Posts: 825
on 07/29/2012

I'm so sorry to hear all the sad news here. My condolences to you Jo, Chef and Sheilamarie.

I've been just down lately for no apparent reason and totally clueless about a subject to write about. I seemed to have dragged another one out this morning though. I hope we're all better soon.

I like this morning coffee thread too. Gives me something to look forward to even if it's Sunday already...

Lana or LIl aka Ragtimelil RagtimeLil's Store on Weebly
Posts: 118
on 07/29/2012

I hope you're all feeling better this morning esp Jo, Chef and Sheila - I say this morning, but I see that most of you are still on Sunday time.  

It's Monday morning for me so time to get on with some work - I actually did very little online work at all this weekend, my computer probably thought something was very wrong when he wasn't turned on until Saturday afternoon, most days he's switched on first thing in the morning as I walk past.

I have managed to get a few good photos for one of my Zazzle stores while having family time though.........I've given my daughter my old camera so she's busy taking photos as well while hubby just shakes his head.   She's told him that when she's 13 I've said she can start her own store, unfortunately I forgot to talk to him about that - oops! Cool

Posts: 1210
on 07/29/2012

Whoa lou16, your like from the future... 8 hours to be exact (relative to me)... so like when the end of the world happens, who will perish first, you or us or both in different time zones :)? 

At least you'll be able to get a cup of coffee in before the solar flair hits, me, I'll likely be writing a wizzle till the last second... that is, if you believe in this 2012 december 24th hogwash haha...


p.s.  I just finished the second tutorial for newbs, text module basics, I had to do some tricky editing though, although the new and old interface modules generally work the same, there were a few missing elements :(

Posts: 477
on 07/29/2012

Hey Jerrico! I'm Monday morning as well 7am, but I do want to say I guess it was Dec 21st? not 24th :P

Check out my blog SEO for Dummies
Posts: 1210
on 07/29/2012

see how much I pay attention to the armegedon? LOL, with all these people in monday already the song "monday monday" by the carpenders is playing in my scull :)

Hope everyone is having a great sunday/monday! 


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