on 08/21/2012
Thanks for the history Hans! It's nice to know those details! I really enjoyed seeing the "wizzley office" haha (your apt) and the recipes for programmers was great! (by rice in salted water, what do you mean? a dab of salt in the water? I've always cooked rice in just water....(or a rice cooker).
on 08/22/2012
Yes... we have cooked the rice in lightly salted water. All recipes a very simple and fast to cook. By the way: At the time when I wrote the article the receipe modul was not existing...
on 08/22/2012
You mean you had to write the recipe page out fully by hand? ouch... that reminds me of when phones used to be "tethered" to a cord plugged into a wall... hehe
on 08/22/2012
Jerrico_Usher: 08/22/2012 - 06:29 AM
You mean you had to write the recipe page out fully by hand? ouch... that reminds me of when phones used to be "tethered" to a cord plugged into a wall... hehe
Yes... but this was of the beginning of Pagewizz. One of my first articles. Oh, and I see: Pagewizz started in August 2009 :)
on 08/23/2012
It's happened to me too now! I'd had moments when the bottom module went to the top, but that was easily fixed. I thought that was what you were all on about.
Now it's actually happened. Every one of my modules has flipped around vertically. Ok, it's going to take a few minutes to sort out, but I burst out laughing. I feel part of the gang now! LOL
And thanks for the history lesson, Hans. I got hopelessly side-tracked into the wayback images. Way to distract me. :)
Danke for all that you do too. We do focus on Simon too much at your expense, but your work is appreciated here too. <3
on 08/23/2012
JoHarrington: 08/23/2012 - 08:50 AM
It's happened to me too now! I'd had moments when the bottom module went to the top, but that was easily fixed. I thought that was what you were all on about.
Now it's actually happened. Every one of my modules has flipped around vertically. Ok, it's going to take a few minutes to sort out, but I burst out laughing. I feel part of the gang now! LOL
And thanks for the history lesson, Hans. I got hopelessly side-tracked into the wayback images. Way to distract me. :)
Danke for all that you do too. We do focus on Simon too much at your expense, but your work is appreciated here too. <3
Thanks for your post and no problem. We'll have a look at the module bug soon :)
on 08/23/2012
I just published an article and it did not happen to me.
It never has. I am using Firefox.
Now I feel left out.
on 08/23/2012
Hans: <3
Pam: I should have mentioned that I'm on Firefox too. Most up-to-date version. It's the first time that it's happened, despite having posted several Wizzles. I've done another one since and it didn't happen then either. Elusive bug!
Posts: 578
on 08/23/2012
Hey guys, thanks for the bug report. I have a clue what the problem might be and I hope I'll get the time to look into it (and fix it) tonight.
on 08/23/2012
It's never been a week since you went on holiday!
Get back there! Wizzley stuff can wait until you're back!
Posts: 578
on 08/23/2012
I absolutely should get back there ... together with my girlfriend Sylvia, we went by bike over the Alps.
The clue we had on the "module tetris problem" is a dead end so far. But the real trouble is: my legs are way too tired to get back on the bike .
on 08/23/2012
Simon means 'bicycle', NOT Harley!
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
Posts: 578
on 08/24/2012
No matter what I do: I just cannot reproduce the bug on my system. Resolving this issue has highest priority though. If you notice anything, please fire way.
Posts: 578
on 08/24/2012
Huiii, Hans just found a way to reproduce this nasty bug - so it's just a matter of minutes or hours until it will be fixed!
Posts: 578
on 08/24/2012
Alright, issue resolved .
If there are any more bugs - or similar bug - please post away. We know how frustrating such annoyances can be!
on 08/26/2012
Sue, have you cleared your cache since Simon's fix? If you're still using the same coding, it might account for this.
Posts: 578
on 08/26/2012
Ya, that's true. It may have been a cache problem. Anyway, let us know if it happens again, please.
on 01/22/2013
I'm having trouble with my first page. I haven't published it yet — and I'm not until I'm sure it goes out the right way. The preview is just quite different from the Edit Page view, the modules arranged in a different order. I tried tweaking them up, but the preview won't show the modules the way I want them to appear.
on 01/22/2013
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
on 01/22/2013
Came up right now. I just had to save.