on 05/16/2012
I had added text and some Zazzle modules to a page in progress and I had opened a module to add something to - then left the computer for a while. When I came back I tried to close the module and got an error that said to refresh the page - so I did - and none of what I had added was saved. It's all gone!
So, does this mean that if I don't stop working on the page and leave - nothing I do will be saved? I have never had this problem before.
on 05/16/2012
We had a server issue over the last few hours. If you've lost something, we're probably able to recover it for you. Unfortunately, I have to run to a dr.'s appointment right now. Will connect later.
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
on 05/16/2012
Hi Chef. Me too. My most recently completed page which had been published is now back to a half completed stage and another one that I was halfway through has gone completely.
Hope they can be retrieved when you have time.
on 05/16/2012
Okay, thanks very much. Will wait - no hurry for me.
on 05/16/2012
Sorry for the server issue... can you post the links to the articles that are missing? I think I can restore the text passages.
on 05/16/2012
Thank you!
on 05/16/2012
Ok, I found your article brl (and will restore it), but dystytoes I can't find...
on 05/16/2012
@dustytoes: The last article I found was Battles and Hugs... Hmm, if you have saved the modules they should not disappear. May be they have been "open" without saving?
on 05/16/2012
Hi brl, have a look in your account. I restored from your article as much as I could find in the database. I think only the preview image is missing. You can publish your article again.
on 05/16/2012
Good to know, I was a bit lost when I showed up for work here at the ole Wizzle Shop only to find.. all systems down. I guess that's a sign to direct attentions else where and give wizz a break.
Katie McMurray
on 05/16/2012
Last night I did a ton of edits on two articles, they were saved over and over again and today I logged in and ALL of these edits are gone- my old articles in poor shape are back and all the things I did to fix them are gone- very upsetting, 6 hours of work gone. Can you guys get these back. The two articles are "The Dangers Of Cussing" and "Why do you think Telepathy isn't rea...l"... PLEASE HELP :(
p.s. I didn't realize it right away and did some edits then it hit me I removed all of this already... I worked on them last night up to about 2am Pacific standard time if that helps.
Edit: I also noticed my profile image is not there at all (not even a place holder) and on this post there is a white blank square in place of my image. I had changed my profile image last night just before logging off.
on 05/16/2012
Jerrico - let's connect with Hans on this tomorrow. We'll try our best to get it all fixed.
Anyone else having problems with lost content?
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
on 05/16/2012
on 05/17/2012
And the last server outage a few moments ago just wiped out the page I had just completed and successfully published - wizzley.com/lego-7929-battle-of-naboo
on 05/17/2012
Hi all... found your pages in the backups and start now restoring them :)
on 05/17/2012
Hi Dustytoes, your page http://wizzley.com/little-christmas-gifts-personalized-ornaments/ is restored. Just have a look in your account.
on 05/17/2012
nickupton: 16. May 2012, 23:51
This page had been published and was complete - http://wizzley.com/lego-9488-elite-clone-troopers-and-commando-droids/
Ok, this page is also restored... :)
on 05/17/2012
Jerrico_Usher: 16. May 2012, 21:31
Last night I did a ton of edits on two articles, they were saved over and over again and today I logged in and ALL of these edits are gone- my old articles in poor shape are back and all the things I did to fix them are gone- very upsetting, 6 hours of work gone. Can you guys get these back. The two articles are "The Dangers Of Cussing" and "Why do you think Telepathy isn't rea...l"... PLEASE HELP :(
p.s. I didn't realize it right away and did some edits then it hit me I removed all of this already... I worked on them last night up to about 2am Pacific standard time if that helps.
Edit: I also noticed my profile image is not there at all (not even a place holder) and on this post there is a white blank square in place of my image. I had changed my profile image last night just before logging off.
Hi Jerrico,
found your page The Dangers Of Cussing and restored the modules. Also I restored the page The Physics Of Telepathy - We All Do It Everyday...ON PURPOSE- Here's How You Do It
Cheers, Hans
on 05/17/2012
Hans you are the man brother! I'll have to get in there and remove the old mods (the pre disaster stuff that was there) but I don't mind that at all- minor inconvenience- I was most worried about losing the content as I rewrote 70% of both articles and was about to publish but wanted to sleep on it and re-read it all. I will be using the "export to text" feature on every article to back it as I go just in case- I know things happen, just glad it's back! THANK YOU!
on 05/17/2012
I'm glad (and lucky) that I could help you... We are doing a full database backup 4 times a day (bad if a crash happens between those times...) Becaus of that it is always good to have some backups by your own :)