Of course, fairies exist in this universe. Most of them have made earth as their home. Don’t you believe anyone who denies their existence? They have to exist because there lives a world in our imagination for real or in illusion. How otherwise could have Cinderella reached the Prince if not for her fairy God-mother. There even exists a World Fairy Day. Believe it or not fairies are a part of every culture and tradition whether it belongs to east or west.
The beautiful fairies bring magic to our lives, without them this world would be so dull and boring. Whimsical creatures, these fairies exist in many folklores, myths and legends. Every culture has a form and figure attached to it, every fairy has a story to teach and lessons to be learnt.
Does your kid love to dress in fairy costumes?
The third sentence in your first sub-heading, Where do fairies live?, is foreshadowing and prescient regarding the subsequent costumes! It mentions that "Then there are fairies for trees, garden and flowers."
Wouldn't it seem that among those garden plants are watermelons, what with the next-to-last costume in your wizzley!?
I agree that these outfits are fun and beautiful. I'm pinning some of these costumes