Google Venezuela

by humagaia

Google Venezuela home page is in Spanish [español]. Search, images, videos, maps, Gmail & news are the main functions used.

Visitors to Google Venezuela access search,
translate, news, maps and books in the main.

There is little differentiation between Google
Venezuela and the general internet population,
except that the majority of visitors,
unsurprisingly, are Spanish speakers:
their education level is higher.

Less visitors than the average use the site from school.

Google Venezuela (

Site information

The URL to access Google Venezuela is not This homepage is about the 200th highest ranked web-site in Alexa's Traffic Rank table. In Venezuala it is number 1, in front of Facebook and It presents search results focusing on Venezuela, and internationally, in both Spanish and English.

Most of the search queries are for search phrases other than those to access Google products and functions, so the bounce rate is high. Research is the main function.

Himno de Venezuela de Google Doodle

Free Video Series Reveals How To Launch Recession Proof Income Streams From Scratch

(Data from Alexa as of 2012/02/05)

Google Venezuela arrived on the internet scene on June 1st 2003, when it looked as below (Note: it was in English to start with):

Google Venezuela 2003/06/01

The first version of Google Venezuela
The first version of Google Venezuela
Office location and jobs

The nearest offices to Venezuela are in Brazil:


Google Sao Paulo
Google Brasil Internet Limitada
Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima
nº 3900 5th floor, Itaim
Sao Paulo, 04538-132


No Google job vacancies for Venezuela were found.

Tribute to Freddy Mercury - Google Venezuela

Venezuela Wiki

Venezuela, officially called the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, is a tropical country on the northern coast of South America. It borders Colombia to the west, Guyana to the east, and Brazil to the south. Its northern coastline of ...

Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Geomorphology and Human Geography

Venezuela is a Republic which forms the northernmost coast of South America, along the Caribbean Sea. It is bounded to the west by Colombia and to the southeast and south by Guyana and Brazil. Most of the Spanish-speaking population live in the towns and cities along the coast.

In the north-west a spur of the Andes mountain range runs south-west to north-east. The River Orinoco divides the country: north of the river are the undulating plains of the Llanos; south are the Guiana Highlands.

The climate ranges from warm temperate to tropical: temperatures varying little throughout the year; rainfall varies little, and is plentiful.

In the Llanos area are cattle farms: herds being moved across the plains. Consequently, Venezuela is almost self-sufficient in meat. Sugar cane and coffee are grown for export.

Petroleum and gas, mainly from the Lake Maracaibo region, account for the majority of export earnings.

Capital of Venezuela is Caracas.

Currency of Venezuela is the Bolivar.

Venezuela Images

Isla de Margarita

Map of Venezuela

Languages of Venezuela

Language estimates from Ethnologue

Of the approximate 27 million inhabitants of Venezuela around 21.5 million speak Spanish. There are significant population of immigrants that speak the following languages (you can use Google Venezuela in these languages by utilising the URL shown next to each, where appropriate) :

  • Chinese (~400k)
  • Portuguese (~254k)
  • Arabic (~110k)
  • English (~20k)

There are also a number of Amerindian languages spoken (many with few speakers). Those languages with more than 2,000 speakers are:

  • Wayuu (~170k)
  • Warao (~28k)
  • Yanomamö (~15.7k)
  • Piaroa (~12k)
  • Guahibo (~11k)
  • Yukpa (~6k)
  • Pumé (~5.8k)
  • Maquiritani (~5.5k)
  • Pemon (~5k)
  • Sanumá (~4.6k)
  • Carib (~4k)
  • E’ñapa Woromaipu (~3.5k)
  • Curripaco (~3k)
  • Mandahuaca (~3k)
  • Maco (~2.5k)
  • Bari (~2k)
  • Nhengatu (~2k)

If you would like to see Google Venezuela in English then use the following URL:

Lengua Wayuu

Tribes of the Venezuelan Rainforest

Yanomami, Ye'kuana and Piaroa


Children of Nature
Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 16th Edition

The Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 16th Edition is the comprehensive reference volume that catalogs all the known living languages in the world today. The Ethnologue has be...

Only $40.0

View on Amazon

Google Venezuela
Google Venezuela

Functions Google Venezuela

Functions available top left Google Venezuela are:

  • Búsqueda - Google Venezuela web home page
  • Imágenes - search Google images.
  • Maps - Google maps
Google Play on Google Venezuela
Google Play arrived in the USA on a bright and sunny morning. When will it be rolling out to the rest of the world? You will be in for a treat, whenever that may be.
  • Notícias - search for Venezuelan news on any particular subject.
  • Gmail - access your account or register for a free account
  • Docs
  • Calendar
  • Traductor - Translation

The [más] link for further Google functions gives: Libros (Books), Blogger, Reader, and Videos.

Bottom of home page

At the base of the home page there are links to:

  • Programas de publicidad - Advertising programs
  • Soluciones Empresariales - Business solutions
  • Todo acerca de Google - 'About Google'
  • Privacidad y condiciones - Privacy and Conditions

Google Venezuela in English

Google Venezuela in English
Google Venezuela in English

Accessing Google Venezuela can be found, as follows:

  1. Type '' for Spanish search results.

  2. When you are 'Venezuela local' click the '"Ir a Google Venezuela" or "Ir a Google Venezuela, en español" link at screen footer.

Remember: the URL for Google ve is NOT OR


Firefox Google Venezuela
Firefox Google Venezuela
Humagaia "paint" screenshot

Venezuelan pages can be viewed using the Firefox browser (Spanish version only). Use this Firefox URL:

Firefox need not be your browser to do this. When on the Firefox page, ensure either the (Search) Buscar: 'páginas escritas en español' button or 'páginas de Venezuela' is set, in place of (Search) Buscar: 'la web' button.

Google Venezuela News

Copy and paste the Venezuelan news item to for a translation
Cantv bloquea DNS de Google, denuncia VE Sin Filtro  Efecto Cocuyo
DatosUN: BDV y RIF marcaron las búsquedas de Google en Venezuela en 2024  Últimas Noticias

The Official Google Blog - Latin America

Remember that you can translate the entries using
Hace un par de semanas anunciamos la evolución en la imagen de Google, una transformación que busca reflejar de manera visual los cambios que se han producido en los ...
Ante la llegada del huracán Patricia, que ha alcanzado la categoría 5 en la escala Saffir-Simpson y que se espera que toque tierra hoy en la costa del Pacífico, en Mé...
Estamos viviendo tiempos emocionantes en los que los avances tecnológicos nos sorprenden día a día. Salud, medio ambiente, planificación urbana: ningún aspecto de la ...
Updated: 02/05/2021, humagaia
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