When you meditate, you can practice it entirely on your own in peaceful quiet or using a guided meditation which will guide you through the meditative steps.Of course, it is a very lucky and rare situation when you have nearby a meditation master to guide you through your journey, however for most of us this is not an option.
This where the practice using audios such as CDs on binaural beats or videos can help.
Many people are using this meditation technique nowadays from the comfort of their own homes to relax, de-stress and achieve inner peace.
When you meditate, you have a teacher who practically takes you by the hand (so to speak) through your entire session. You will listen to his voice and follow his instructions. He easily guides your entire thought process from start to finish. This is akin to listening to a teacher at school.
Are You Familiar With Guided Meditation?
I didn't read about this before, but I was familiar with it to an extent, as everybody is. You got me interested in buying a guided meditation mp3 sometime . . .