HCG Injections? A Closer Look

by sciencestudent

If you want to do the official hCG diet, it will require hCG injections. Are you trying to game the system? Is it going to kill you?

What a lot of people do not realize is that the official HCG diet requires injections and medical oversight in order to use it to lose weight safely.

However, most HCG diet and weight loss plans on the internet are selling something other than HCG -- and some of those products have actually been banned by the FDA!

But what about HCG injections, you know, the “real stuff”?

What is HCG?

HCG, or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin  is a hormone that is created by the body in response to a pregnancy. It’s true function is not entirely known, however it is thought that it may help protect the developing fetus from being attacked by the mother’s immune system.

How Does HCG Help The Body Lose Weight?

The HCG diet was first proposed by Dr. Simeons in 1954 in his manuscript “Pounds & Inches a New Approach to Obesity”.  Although hCG has been used for many medical treatments,  a consensus as to its effectiveness in weight loss has never been fully established.

However, the hCG diet continues to gain a following.  The reason the hCG diet works is that it requires a “Very Low Calorie Diet” (VLCD) of only 500 calories a day.  Since the average body need about 2,000 calories a day to function, the resulting weight loss from this diet is pretty incredible.

The  hCG injections are thought to do two things: Reduce cravings and Promote fat burn.  By “tricking” the body into thinking that it is pregnant, it is thought that the body will burn more of its fat stores and less muscle. However, it is virtually impossible for a VLCD to not cause at least some loss of muscle mass.

Side Effects Of hCG Injections

Whether you are using hCG injections as part of a weight loss program or as part of an attempt to get pregnant, there are some pretty severe risks that are clinically associated with hCG injections.  One of the most dangerous and severe is the “Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome” which is a painful  -- and life threatening -- swelling and hyper-stimulation of the ovaries.

You might also want to read our other post about Side Effects Of The hCG Diet

HCG Injections Use an Insulin-Type Needle

Needle For HCG Injection
Needle For HCG Injection

Purchase hCG Injections Online

Typically, you will need a doctor’s prescription to purchase hCG injection solution. However there are several companies online which offer to sell it.  Best I can gather, they import a powdered version of it from foreign countries and then you have to mix it yourself.

In all honesty, I’d hate to inject myself with something I mixed in my own kitchen.  I’m just saying...

The Last Word on hCG injections.

If you read my post about the side effects of hCG, then you can understand why I am so cautious about hCG.  Whether you are wanting to do hCG injections as part of a fertility treatment or in order to lose weight, then I encourage you to join a Doctor-proctored project. 

After all, if a $35 drug sold online kills you by injecting some bacteria it picked up off of your kitchen counter while you were mixing it, well , is it really worth it?

Losing Weight Fast

Diet and Exercise. Don't tune me out! I like to take 30 minutes working out to dance videos such as Zumba or Jillian Michaels. (Try telling me you'd rather spend 30 minutes a day mixing up a white powder and shooting up in your butt.  I mean, really?)

Whatever you try - gym, dance class, hiking, swimming -- Find something you like and stay with it.

Better yet, find an online calorie counter you can use to track those calories and lose them even faster!

Now there’s a Doctor-approved, healthy-for-you plan. And I personally know it may be tough, but it works!

Updated: 04/07/2012, sciencestudent
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