Purchase hCG Injections Online
Typically, you will need a doctor’s prescription to purchase hCG injection solution. However there are several companies online which offer to sell it. Best I can gather, they import a powdered version of it from foreign countries and then you have to mix it yourself.
In all honesty, I’d hate to inject myself with something I mixed in my own kitchen. I’m just saying...
The Last Word on hCG injections.
If you read my post about the side effects of hCG, then you can understand why I am so cautious about hCG. Whether you are wanting to do hCG injections as part of a fertility treatment or in order to lose weight, then I encourage you to join a Doctor-proctored project.
After all, if a $35 drug sold online kills you by injecting some bacteria it picked up off of your kitchen counter while you were mixing it, well , is it really worth it?
Losing Weight Fast
Diet and Exercise. Don't tune me out! I like to take 30 minutes working out to dance videos such as Zumba or Jillian Michaels. (Try telling me you'd rather spend 30 minutes a day mixing up a white powder and shooting up in your butt. I mean, really?)
Whatever you try - gym, dance class, hiking, swimming -- Find something you like and stay with it.
Better yet, find an online calorie counter you can use to track those calories and lose them even faster!
Now there’s a Doctor-approved, healthy-for-you plan. And I personally know it may be tough, but it works!