When you can not afford a gym or have other reasons why you are not able to go to the gym then get your work out at home. There are plenty of exercises you can do to stay in good condition, doing them at home can be time saving and more comfortable as well. Setting up a little place to work out and get a few things and you will be able to do great work outs from home.

Home Workouts
by iggy
You can do great workouts at home if you can not get to a gym, so get your work out in at home to remain in good shape.
Working Out At Home
With the costs of monthly gym dues in today's economy, more and more people are starting to work out at home. Using body weight exercises coupled with a few dumbbells, resistance band, and a mat you can get a decent workout to develop or maintain your fitness level. As with any fitness program, motivation and dedication are essential to producing results. Remember to stay motivated, when you are mentally commited as well as physically you will acheive your goals much faster. Exercising at home makes it easier to fit a workout into our busy schedules, and its perfect for stay at home moms or people that have home offices. You can workout at your convenience or when you have time without the limitations of gym hours or crowded classes.
You need to be motivated and make sure you set aside time for your workouts.
Keep It Fun And Exciting
If necessary, there are hundreds of programs, training aids, and equiptment you can purchase for home use. I try to keep it fun and fresh by trying new workouts and playing sports, I even have friends that come over now and then for a workout. By keeping it fun we are more likely to continue with it, not to mention the added benifits of working out harder and longer because it is fun.
Pro's & Con's
There are numerous things I like about working out at home, to start with I get to pick my own music and set it to a comfortable level. Gyms are filled with millions of germs from hundreds of people that may or may not be sick, at home I only come in contact with my own germs. There is no waiting for equiptment or crowded classes, and I save time and gas money by doing away with the trip to and from the gym. Stay at home moms and home workers that can not get to the gym can still get a workout in, its easier to find time to workout.
The downsides for me are less specialized equipment, and the gym atmosphere is missing.
Body Weight Exercises
Here is a list of some body weight exercise you can do at home, these are considered calisthenics and the benefits you achieve from these last longer;
- Push-ups
- Dips
- Pull-ups*
- Sit-ups
- Crunches
- Planks
- Leg Lifts
- Squats
- Lunges
Here are some exercises you can do with dumbbells, by getting yourself a few dumbbells you can do many exercises with them. A good band or rope exerciser can do most of them as well;
- Curls
- Flies
- Lifts
- Shrugs
- Presses
- Extensions
- Rows
Resistance Bands
A quality resistance band can give you a good workout at home or on the road, this can be taken with you when you travel even if you are a gym member to keep from missing a work out.
Getting Started
You can put together an excellent workout with the above exercises, Working out can be done almost anywhere.
You can add some aerobics, zumba, biking, or running to get some cardio in.
Some people that belong to gyms will start out doing home workouts to get their fitness level up and then join a gym. This is so they look a little better when they start to avoid embarrassment, You do not want that sexy guy or girl next to you to see you struggling with a little weight.
I am not putting the gyms down in anyway, gyms provide more equipment and choices then you could have at home. When you want to advance your fitness level beyond the capabilities of home workouts and can afford to do so then give a gym a try. I am fortunate to have a gym membership today but there are times when I can not get to the gym or do not feel like going so I will do a workout at home. I still enjoy my workouts at home.
Adding a good multivitamin will help to ensure your body has what it needs to grow, your muscles and organs need vitamins to grow and function the way they should. By supplementing your diet with vitamins you will know you have what your body needs to repair itself.
* over the door pull up bar
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iggy, Very nice coverage of working out at home! Thank you for the list of calisthenics since it's good to vary routines, and I sometimes forget all the options.