Later in the game when you start writing and holding on to that copy on a site like Wizzley or even your own blog or site, that this content, this effort you put forth can now be reused forever to generate income. If your work fails to earn on one site you can move it to another or build your own, the content is never owned by these sites!
You start to see all the things you wrote for others as opportunities that simply slipped through your fingers- literally- and for what, a few dollars you spent quickly on bills?
Granted at first this is a great way to write and get instant gratification of a paycheck (comes close to offline type of work really), but you don't want to get stuck on the treadmill- it's tiring- you need more variety to maintain focus and motivation.
Some quit right there when the "going gets tough" and the treadmill work doesn't sustain them with excitement or the inertia of newness alone.
Not anticipating that this is just like any other job, but with many more platitudes your afforded simply by free resources and powerful systems in place like the Wizzley site here, for example, that make it easy and powerful for the individual to join a collective of writers to form a synergy.
This synergy/network generates more "earning power" overall than with each part doing their own thing.
Others maintain the course flying through the rough parts enduring the work required as paying their dues- and you will do just that. It will be well worth it, however.
Those that continue to figure out the realm and try to boost themselves up with free resources available to them will make it to some mild to moderate success- some of them will make it to the success you read about in Forbes magazine.
With all the equal opportunity of the web and the massive FREE resources to pull from when your getting started, the only real thing that's separating those that make millions (or thousands if that's your "wealth" in your current position), and those that always struggle on the bottom rung of this industry, is pure and simple motivation to take action, regardless of how you feel, what your brain is telling you, or even sometimes if you don't completely know what your doing- still pulling the trigger (because in some parts just doing it is the lesson itself- you can't really learn any other way, like developing a professional writers skill set).
With so much information out there and half of it being misdirection (designed to entice but not educate, just a shell with missing pieces) it's no wonder people give up 3 months after they get excited about the idea of working from home and firing the boss, or at the very least supplementing the crappy paycheck from work.
I've been on the journey now for about 5-6 years, of which the last two were the most potent, and of those the last year was the most potent. In my struggles I learned nothing of real consequence until I met an actual marketer who was actually doing what I wanted to know, and needed some outsource help. It was because this guy paid me WELL for the work I did for him, but he also assigned me work that directly put me into the front line of SEO.
I had to learn how to do things to complete the task and was taught then applied over and over for his sites and content. I also wrote content a certain way and over the years learned a great deal. I almost quit the journey before that!
In working for this guru, I learned some valuable things. I learned first of all that most of the courses out there are useless and often contain all but the vital ingredients, or the courses themselves work but only if you have a Rolodex of contacts and resources at your disposal. I learned this not by hearsay but by seeing it for myself. Once I learned the realm, the skill set I could see for myself what the courses and BS seminars were about.
Cutting through the crap often robs us of our ambition, but many persevere eventually making it through the forest and finally seeing the trees.
The thing that is really remarkable is that by the time these people actually get to the moment of truth- Success - their ambition levels are often at fumes... It takes a lot to navigate the online income world, but what really kills you is the proliferation of bad information. It's pretty much like polluted air... You step outside and expecting "fresh" air you take a deep breath, only to discover you just polluted your body.
Thanks for the motivation. Always needed!
@ lobobrandon -Thanks!
@ 2uesday - It's actually incredibly hard but at some point the writer becomes the outsourcer and internet marketing manager for themselves :) that is the reward... thanks for commenting!
Well written :)