How to be Confident - 7 Effective Tips

by athena2011

Self confidence can have such a significant effect on your life so it's important to protect it if you have it, or develop it if you don't.

Everyone has a certain level of self confidence from almost non-existent to overwhelmingly obnoxious. Our self confidence can helps us take risks and go for the things we want out of life or it can hold us back making us feel we are not deserving of better things in life.

For further details on self confidence and self esteem visit my blog at Self Esteem.

7 Handy Tips for How to be Confident

How to be confident in oneself is probably something we all need or want to learn. We tend to associate confidence with success and everybody desires success at some level right? When you are confident you do not feel scared about most things as you feel that you can handle whatever this world throws your way. Here we will look at 7 ways to build self confidence that will have you whizzing along in no time at all.

There are many things that are not under our control in life and those we have to learn to adapt to and move on. However, when it comes to learning how to be confident, there are several things that we can do to help here.

How to be Confident - 7 Simple Yet Effective Ways;

1. Dress For Success - have you ever noticed how you felt about yourself whenever you wore a nice suit or dress? People are always concerned about how they look and there is no better time to let that thought go than when you are dressed sharply. Look after your overall appearance as well by being clean and wearing clean clothes at all times.

2. Maintain Good Posture - there is nothing worse than someone slouching to give you the impression that they lack self confidence. It usually also shows a complete lack of enthusiasm for what they are doing, and possibly life in general. It just looks way better when you maintain good posture so make the little bit of extra effort and do so. Do you think that someone might think you do not even consider yourself important just from the fact that your posture is bad? Think about that for a minute.

3. Focus on Gratitude - when you force yourself to think of all the things that you are grateful for, you occupy your mind with the good stuff and defer it away from the negatives. Think of the loves in your life (people and pets), any unique skills that you have, past accomplishments etc. be happy for the blessings in your life.

4. Praise Others - praise how they look, how they think, what they have done. Be genuine about this though. Fake compliments will be noticed. By doing this, others will come to appreciate you which will ultimately also help to boost your self confidence.

5. Walk Fast - walk with energy and purpose. Those lacking in confidence always seems to have a slow, labored walk. The movers and shakers in life have things to do, people to see etc. so walk lively and watch your confidence boom.

6. Focus on Giving - when we take the focus away from ourselves onto what good we can do for others and our community we tend to feel much more confident in ourselves because we are no longer constantly worrying about what is not perfect within us. Instead we are focusing on our positive impact on the world around us. The personal recognition you will receive for your efforts will help to boost your self confidence.

7. Working Out - exercise is so good for us. Not only do we get a fit body, with less toxins and so on which makes us feel better since our clothes will fit better too, but our mind is also rewarded with Endorphins or the "happy hormones" that make us feel good about ourselves.

Now that you've learned 7 ways for how to be confident, get on it right away so that you will feel better about yourself. I'm betting that making these changes in your life will have a significant impact in your future. If so, be sure to come back and let me know how your life changed.

Self Confidence Boosters at Amazon

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10 BMV QUANTUM SUBLIMINAL CDs: Accelerated Learning, Success Prosperity, Creativity, Focus/Concentration, Peak Health, Positive Thinking, Confidence/Esteem, Weight Loss, ...

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Unlimited Self-Confidence Hypnosis

My Confidence Vision, in this session you will be guided to imagine a situation in which you have experienced feeling less confident than you would like to. You will then ...

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Personal Achievement: Subliminal 4-CD Set: Goal Setting, Self Confidence, Assertiveness, I Can ...

These psychologist-tested high tech CDs feature advanced subliminal technology plus a new development called NeuroSonic Attunement - a series of non-verbal tones and ...

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Are you a Self-Confident Person?

Updated: 03/02/2012, athena2011
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