How To Draw Carnage

by onepagearticles

Drawing Carnage a Spiderman villain step by step drawing videos.

How to draw Carnage in a 3 part step by step video series with in between sketches and draft artwork which gives you more of an insight into the drawing process. The pencilling, the inking and also the coloring stages are explored through this helpful drawing tutorials. Learn to draw Carnage a Spiderman villain in an effective way.

Drawing Carnage In Pencil

Sketching Carnage With Pencil

The sketching stage is as important as you can really find out whether your drawing is going to work in the first 5 or 10 minutes of the sketch and you can refine things from there. As I state in the video I was going to abandon this drawing, but decided against it as it could be saved when you transfer to the inking stage and really start to clear things up in the drawing.

As you'll see in the first video, I try to build up the overall form of the character and work from there. Mistakes are natural at this stage as you are still finding the drawing by loose sketching Carnage at this point.

How To Draw Carnage With A Pencil

Inking Carnage

Carnage Ink Work

When inking I always use cheap and disposable ink pens, the ones that you could even re-use with a jar of ink for dipping in and inking with. I used a Berol ink pen here on all of the line work and shadowed areas of the Carnage figure. It's always important for you to use ink pens that you are comfortable with and so the need for trialing different pens is a must for any Artist.

Here in the inking process I try to clear up the drawing more than anything else and it's quite a tidying process as you are ignoring some of the previous pencil lines in favor of improving the overall drawing.

Remember that Carnage has black swirls which help define the muscle form of the costume and his figure, so always try and get them lines working for the movement of the character.

How To Ink Carnage With An Ink Pen

Coloring In Carnage

Crayola Twistable Carnage Coloring Video

The Classic Crayola Twistable is used for the Red color on Carnage's costume and really this is the main color, with a slight shading of light blue to simulate shadow on the edge of the eye shapes on the head.

I try to define the form more with the Red color and shading it in such a way that towards the edges I'd fade out with the red. Quite possibly it could leave room to add some yellows and oranges if the light surround Carnage was of warm ambient light or you could smooth the Red color with a White Prismacolor to help blend the red further which is always a great idea.

I also used a Broad Red Crayola Marker which helped add a more solid Red to the color scheme of Carnage.

I hope you enjoyed this drawing tutorial. Please check the head drawing photos below of Carnage too, so that you can see how his head can be drawn step by step!

How To Color Carnage With Prismacolor

How To Draw The Head Of Carnage

Drawing Carnage Head Photo Walk Through
Drawing Carnages Head
Drawing Carnages Head
Start To Draw The Eye Shapes
Start To Draw The Eye Shapes
Sketch The Eye Shapes Which Remind Me Of Fish's Tails For Some Reason
Sketch The Eye Shapes Which Remind Me...
Draw In The Teeth
Draw In The Teeth
Sketch Swirly Costume Symbiotic Stuff
Sketch Swirly Costume Symbiotic Stuff
Start To Shade In The Black Areas
Start To Shade In The Black Areas
Remember To Leave Some White Areas When Shading In
Remember To Leave Some White Areas Wh...
Carnage Head Drawing Complete
Carnage Head Drawing Complete

How To Draw Comics The Marvel Way

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How To Draw Comics The Marvel Way
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Updated: 03/18/2013, onepagearticles
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Draw Carnage

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DerdriuMarriner on 12/02/2023

Your comment March 22, 2013, to a same-day question mentions your previously incorporating drawing Venom in a drawing video.

The comment box notes the video as update-able.

Was that update already realized sometime somewhere since your pondering? If not, would there be any chance of it showing up among your wizzlies anytime soon?

onepagearticles on 03/22/2013

Sure. Venom would be cool...I already drew him in an old drawing video, but it could do with an update and expanding out the drawing like drawing the head and full body etc. Thanks!

Comic Book Fanatic on 03/22/2013

This is awesome! Would love you to draw Venom too

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