Business growth is one of the top priorities for most small businesses in the New Year. This is the time for business owners and entrepreneurs to expand their online presence and increase their reach. In this article, we take a look at five proven strategies that will help to take your business to the next level this year.

How to Grow Your Business and Boost Your Profits This Year?
by nislondon
The New Year is a great time to focus on growing your business and increasing your profits. Get an insight into 5 guaranteed growth strategies for your business this year.
5 Ways to Grow Your Small Business This Year
Growing the business online and increasing profits is at the top of the agenda for most small businesses and entrepreneurs. At the start of every year, business owners often look for new ways to boost profits and take their business to next level.
Although there are many ways to grow your business, budgetary constraints often come in the way and can hinder your growth strategy.
In this article, we take a look at five proven techniques that can help to grow your business and boost your profits this year. Whether you are thinking of starting a new venture or expanding your existing business, you will find these tips useful.
1. Redesign Your Website
A good website is becoming increasingly important for the success of a business online. Although creating a lasting impression is important, there is much more to an effective website than visual appeal.
The success of your website will depend on its ability to engage website visitors and drive leads for your business. The design of your website should make it easy for you to achieve this.
This is the year to take a fresh look at your website and identify areas for improvement. Fortunately, businesses today have access to more ways to create a professional website affordably than ever before include website builders and templates.
2. Enhance Your Social Reach
A good social media strategy can have a significant impact on your overall success.
The chances are that your business is already represented on the top social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. This is the year to take your social presence to the next level and achieve new heights. Businesses that go the extra mile will stand out from the crowd and get noticed.
Here are some tips to improve your social reach:
- Post more often
- Make sure your branding is reflected on your social media profiles
- Use consistent branding across all social networks
- Don’t overlook social media sites like Google Plus and Pinterest
- Don’t limit yourself to posting content. Put effort to engage with users
3. Refine Your SEO Strategy to Google's New Algorithm
You have probably come across several blog posts and articles about these infamous updates to Google’s Algorithm that has negatively affected the ranking of many websites. Many of the SEO techniques that were previously popular with marketers can now harm your ranking. As a result, marketers have been forced to rethink their SEO strategy.
Businesses that fail to adapt their SEO strategy to reflect the changes in search engine algorithm will see their ranking suffer and will lose out to competition.
Here are some tips for refining your SEO strategy:
- Focus on high quality one way links and avoiding reciprocal link exchanges
- Publish quality content only
- Avoid low quality article directories
- Focus on creating quality content
- Focus on quality over quantity in link building
4. Grow Your Email List
Email marketing is one of the most cost effective marketing methods. In spite of this, many small businesses have failed to take advantage of this.
This is the year for your business to leverage email marketing and use it to benefit your business. One of the main things you can do this year is to build your email list fast.
Here are some ways to do this:
- Start an email newsletter or tutorial series on your website.
- Offer an incentive to join your email list e.g. free eBook.
5. Rebrand Your Business
Branding is very important for business. This is how customers recognize and associate with your business. Although established businesses are able to focus their attention and set aside dedicated resources towards branding, small businesses are faced with limitations and often find it difficult to allocate sufficient resources towards brand building. However, in spite of budgetary constraints and limitations, there are many ways a small business can build and reinforce their brand online without costing a fortune.
Here are some tips to reinforce your brand:
- Make sure your website reflects your brand
- Use custom branded social media profiles
- Use the same cover photo, profile image and username on all social media accounts
- Make sure your branding is consistent across all online and offline mediums
Every business, however small or large, wants to succeed online. However, a limited marketing budget often prevents small businesses from implementing all techniques and growth strategies. As a result, small businesses often need to make a choice and choose some methods over the others. The strategies discussed above are the most effective ways for a business to succeed online. It can help to take your business to the next level this year.
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