How To Keep Family Medical Records

by WebWriter

How to organize and update your family medical records.

Family Medical Records

How many times has a doctor asked you questions about your family's medical history and you didn't have the answers? How many times have you filled out medical forms that required you to fill in your family's medical history and you had to leave the form blank because you didn't know the information? In an emergency situation would you be able to inform the doctor of your family's medical history and hereditary diseases? Knowing your family's health history can help you determine your own risk of diseases. Be prepared by following these simple steps to keeping track of your family health history and hereditary diseases.

Items Needed

  • Notebook or loose-leaf binder
  • Notebook section dividers
  • Worksheets or paper
Our Family Tree Record Book

Fill-in pages let you record details of every member of your family--dates and places of birth, character traits, achievements, occupations and favorite pastimes. Spaces for ...

DK Publishing, Inc.
$11.99  $11.0

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How To Organize Your Family Medical History

Organizing Your Family Medical History

  1. Notebook - Purchase a notebook or loose-leaf 3 ring binder and page separators. A notebook is better than files becaue if you ever need it for an emergency situation, you can just grab the notebook and go, rather than having to take a bunch of files with you.
  2. Organizing Your Notebook - Make a section in the binder / notebook for each member of your family.
  3. Birth Information - Start with recording the birth information for each family member. Record their birth date, birth weight, the name of the delivery doctor, the name of the hospital, any complications at birth, and other medical information pertaining to their birth.
  4. Immunizations - Record immunizations and immunization dates for each person in your family.
  5. Blood Type - Record the blood type for every member of your family.
  6. Prescriptions /  Medicaitons - Record current and past prescriptions / medication for each family member. You may also want to record the doctor that prescribed the medication.
  7. Allergies - Record anything that provoked an allergic reaction, such as foods, animals, pollen, and medications for each family member.
  8. Diseases / Conditions - Record all life threatening and non life threatening diseases and health conditions for each family member.
  9. Hospitalizations - Record hospitalizations, including the reason for hospitalization, the name of the doctor, the name and location of the hospital, and the length of the stay.
  10. Death Information - Record all family death dates, include causes of death.

Family Tree Products From Amazon

How to Do Everything Genealogy

Trace your family tree and discover your rootsFully updated and revised, this bestselling genealogy guide helps you tap into the wealth of global ancestry records and offers ...

McGraw-Hill Osborne Media
$6.46  $2.49

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Everything Family Tree Book: Research and Preserve Your Family History

Completely updated for today's search tactics and blockades, The Everything Family Tree Book has even more insight for the stumped! Whether you're searching in a grandparent's ...

Adams Media
$7.22  $3.24

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Bazzill Basics 303334 Heritage Genealogy Starter Kit

It's easy to incorporate your family's complicated facts and photos into a beautiful scrapbook with the Heritage Collection four generation personal family history system from ...

Bazzill Basics Paper

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Scrapbooking Your Family History: The Ultimate Workbook (Leisure Arts #4295) (Creating ...

Produced for Leisure Arts by the editors of Creating Keepsakes scrapbook magazine, this guided workbook will help you get started, get organized, and preserve your favorite ...

Leisure Arts
$6.28  $9.5

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Genealogy 101: How to Trace Your Family's History and Heritage (National Genealogical Society ...

A recent Maritz Poll reported that 60% of Americans are interested in their family history. And with good reason. Through genealogy, you can go back into history to meet ...

Thomas Nelson
Only $19.99

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our family tree: a millenium keepsake book

New Seasons
Only $1.97

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Tips For Organizing Your Family Medical History


  • Make a copy of family medical history records and keep them in a safe place in your home. This way you will have a back up copy if something happens to the originals. You may want to store an extra copy with a family member. In case ther is a fire in your home, your records won't be destroyed. 
  • Keep your medical records up-to-date.
  • Record as much information as possible. You can never have too much medical history information.
  • Family reunions are a great time to collect information from other family members because everyone is gathered in one place. It's easier than having to make a bunch of phone calls to obtain the medical information. 
  • Free family medical history worksheets are available on the Internet.

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Updated: 06/05/2011, WebWriter
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Holistic_Health on 07/05/2011

Much to important not to organize correctly. Thanks for the tips!

boutiqueshops on 06/07/2011

I love organizing with binders; I write about it at Squidoo. You have some great suggestions here. Love it!

Spook on 06/05/2011

It's my pleasure.

WebWriter on 06/05/2011

Yes, Spook, it makes a big difference. I keep mine in a huge binder. Thanks for stopping by!

Spook on 06/04/2011

I agree with you that knowing your family history makes an enormous difference.

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