Gamification has become the rage of the 21st Century. Not without good reason have the makers of 'everything educational' cottoned on to the fact that making a game of communication keeps people engaged. The idea of creating your own email cards has the effect of prolonging the thoughtfulness of giving a card or a gift. It turns the card into a game that the whole family can play.

How to Make a Digital Jigsaw Card
by Jo_Murphy offers a free facility through which you can turn your own artworks into email jigsaw cards. Communicate with family and friends as you challenge them to a jigsaw duel
Turn your precious moments into engaging jigsaws is a site from which you can
- turn your precious moments into engaging jigsaws
- frequently change the style and cut of the jigsaw
- challenge others to timed duels
- create your own gallery/ies
- send jigsaw email cards
This means that your whole family (or class) can have a gallery of their own. This makes for a great way to stay in contact, share photos and engage in fun activities all from the same well organised site.
To get started
- Register on
- Go down to the left hand corner and enter your own space for making jigsaws.
3. From this space you can upload your images.
Follow the instructions about size and shape.
Optimal Size
For best quality, re-size your photos to be 400 x 300 x 20KB before uploading them.
4. Now you are free to play with the style and cut of your jigsaw.
5. You will see that you can sign up for as many jigzone buddies as you like (the whole family)
Through this mechanism you can challenge others to duels and send the card off in an email.
You will also be offered other options such as embedding your jigsaw on your blog. (Global Citizens Art)
Making Original Gifts For the Family is Thoughtful and Easy To Do
Zazzle provides one way - but - do a local web search and you will find local businesses that will do the work for you too
Now that you have the idea, why not start making personal gifts as a way of communicating with your family?
For example, if you decide to give someone a personally designed Jigsaw for their birthday, why not also upload the image and use the card to communicate with everyone else in the family as a timed challenge?
The possibilities are endless. Read this article about Zentangle for one suggestion about how to create artwork especially for jigsaws and other gifts.
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Yes Like teaching soldiers to goosestep? You have me thinking! Jo
That's great since I had such fun looking at your banner and reading your wizzley!
Might there be a reason why the background is green? Might it be an environment-friendly way of appreciating our grasses?
You might -- or might not ;-D ;-{ -- like knowing this.
But your green-background banner prompts my thinking about my favorite author Ragnar Jonasson (who recently wrote Reykjavik with Prime Minister Katrin Jakobsdottir!). Jonasson says that Icelandic men always pick their feet up and down like their walking through tussock grass even as they walk on flat surfaces!
I had gun designing it. You have given me an idea and later I will show you. Jo
Thank you!
It's quite effective the way the feet both somewhat look the same and somewhat show slight differences, such as beneath the big toe and in the shape of the inner sole.
They were meant to represent the footsteps of all kinds of people all over the world.
Thank you for the Global Citizens Art link at the very end of the fifth step to starting Jigzone.
The home page begins with such a compelling artwork! What inspired you to create all those different-colored, different-patterned feet?
OK I will follow this up Thank you, Jo
The end of the third-step instruction for starting on Jigzone has a link.
That link offers just the message "Gone The requested resource /myjz/ihelp.php is no longer available on this server and there is no forwarding address. Please remove all references to this resource."
Might the "more information" be available elsewhere?
The first subheading,, twice alerts us to timed duels.
Is the competition about how quickly one creates or puts together or takes apart jigsaw puzzles?
Hi Mira,
Yes in Brisbane Australia we can send off the digital print and it will come back cut. You can do this on Zazzle too? For one of our conferences we had the saint portraits on the front and their sayings on the back. The jigsaw could be done either way.
Zazzle jigsaws can come in a box (expensive) or without a box (not so bad) Jo