Do you like cabbage?
Did you know a serving of cabbage has only 33 calories,? healthy without being fattening.
There will only be a bad smell if you overcook it.
It does not have to be boring, there is quite a variety of colours and textured.
It grows in most types of soil and can usually be grown all the year round.
There are a surprising number of recipes online for anyone wanting tp try new ideas with cabbage.

by Lilysnape
The many health benefits of eating cabbage It is the best of the cruciferous vegetables for helping to prevent cancer, due to the sinigrin it contains.
Benefits of cabbage
It is the best of the cruciferous vegetables for helping to prevent cancer because of the sinigrin it contains, so long as it is not overcooked. It also helps with some of the side effects of radiation therapy.
The ancient Greeks used cabbage as a laxative.
Cabbage juice is an antidote to mushroom poisoning.
Cabbage is high in potassium, which helps to reduce blood pressure. As all vegetables it is good for the skin.
Cabbage contains vitamin C, K and B6.
Lightly steamed and raw cabbage may help to lower cholesterol
The cooling properties of the leaves were used for trench foot during the First World War, when it was not possible to access conventional medical aid.
In Captain Cook’s first voyage many crewmembers were saved from gangrene when the ship’s doctor made poultices to apply to wounds.
Too much can cause bloating.
It is essential to wash cabbage thoroughly, especially if eating raw to prevent shigella and possibly e coli.
All varieties of cabbage have a bad smell when overcooked. Overcooking destroys most of the nutrients.
A variety of light and dark greens, smooth or crinkly, red cabbage all have differences in flavour.
Cabbage can be boiled, steamed, pickled, used in salads and coleslaw. It can be used as a juice drink.
Bubble and Squeak is made with leftover potato and boiled cabbage. Called Bubble and Squeak because the potatoes bubble and the cabbage squeaks while cooking. This is often used as a side dish and is popular on St. Patrick’s Day
Some Trivia
Nearly half of all commercial cabbage is grown in China.
Cabbage can be grown all year round
Cabbage is 91% water.
Considered to be Russia’s favourite food.
Babe Ruth wore a cabbage leaf under his hat while playing baseball
There are a surprising number of recipes online for anyone wanting to try new ways of eating cabbage.
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