More About Spiritualism

by Lilysnape

A more in depth analysis of spiritualism, following on from my previous article.

How far does the communication of spirits extend?

Spirit is not limited in time as we are that are still on the earth plane in our earthly bodies. These restrictions are necessary during this stage of our life but not when we have passed over.

Are ghosts and spirits the same?

We are all spirit, now and beyond. Our body is constantly changing but out spirit remains. Spirits who have passed over may choose to visit us to give reassurance and help in time of trouble. They will only make their presence known if they consent to.


Ghosts and Spirit

Ghosts are people who have not fully passed over.  They have chosen not to go through the tunnel of white light, as they should.  They are in a self made prison.  They fear to go through because there will be a review of their life and they fear to face it.  They may believe {wrongly} that they are going to an eternal hell. 


Sometimes, especially if death was sudden they may be unable to recognise that they are dead.  There may be over attachments and unfinished business, they feel unable to let go.


If the person was ill willed in life they would still have the same personality.  They may choose to frighten or even extremely rarely possess them.  They can be helped to pass over by more evolved spirit who have gone before.  They may be helped to pass by spiritualist mediums who have had training for this.


We tend to attract spirit on our own wavelength.  If an evolved and loving person, unlikely to attract those on a lower plane with bad intentions.

Love is always stronger than hate or ill will as all the other major religions will confirm.    If, however, you have very low self-esteem other living people and ghosts may take advantage of this.  This may cause disturbed sleep, uneasy feelings and nightmares.  Remember you are a child of the universe with a right to be here, with a right to be happy and seek any help you need.


Meditation, chakra clearing, lavender incense and concentrating on love and acceptance toward others can help keeping the energies around you higher.


Further Reading

The History of Spiritualism                             Arthur Conan Doyle

The Gift                                                          Mia Dolan.

This is the story of and ordinary woman’s extraordinary power.

Fifty Years a Medium                                     Estelle Roberts

All Pets go to Heaven                                     Sylvia Browne.


Harry Edwards the most famous healer encouraged co-operation with traditional healing.  Most spiritualist churches have healing sessions [free] and spiritual development circles.


Further information can be obtained from any spiritualist church and there will be no pressure to join.

Updated: 05/11/2016, Lilysnape
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