Irish Traditional Music for Celtic Nuptials and Saint Patrick’s Day

by WriterArtist

At Saint Patrick’s Day it is a tradition to dress in the colours of shamrock and dance to the tunes of Irish traditional music.

All throughout the history, the Irish folks enjoyed Celtic music and this is prominent during the time of the spring nuptials.

Music and Songs are just not for amusement, they are there for healing the soul. Rejuvenating and refreshing, they are the way of life, more so for the weddings and celebrations. Irish traditions and the richness of the culture paves way to the great melodies of Ireland. The Irish songs manifest the tones of the country living, the freshness of green and the joy of spring.

Music exists in so many forms, operas, rock and roll, hip-hop, country, jazz, Zen, meditation and so many other incarnations. Irish music is more inclined towards nature and is full of melodies, listening to them is like the rhythm of waterfall, chirping of birds and the silence of jungle. Music is the essence of spirituality and enlightenment. Music is the way to heaven.

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Image from Pixabay Nemo, License: CC0 Public Domain

Celtic Wedding
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Music in Ireland


Music exists in so many forms, operas, rock and roll, hip-hop, country, jazz, Zen, meditation and so many other incarnations. Irish music is more inclined towards nature and is full of melodies, listening to them is like the rhythm of waterfall, chirping of birds and the silence of jungle. Music is the essence of spirituality and enlightenment. Music is the way to heaven. You will find it no different in Ireland.

Spring Festivals



Spring celebrations and Saint Patrick’s Day go hand in hand.



Most relevant and appropriate for the spring are the top selection of Irish traditional sound tracks for the season sizzling with the colors of spring; the green and tangerine.



Tangerine is the hot and bright tone which sizzles while “Green” is the earth tone which is soothing and relaxing.



Both colors and tones are illustrious and impressive for the spring season and epitomize Irish songs.



A brilliant amalgamation of green and tangerine is eye catching, striking and awesome for Saint Patrick’s Day.



Saint Patrick’s Day is the festival of shamrock and colours of green and orange.

About Irish Music


The fundamental thing in appreciating traditional Irish music is that it is yet another Queen of melodies where musicians play tunes in unison. It is the music of 1920s when piano and guitar was not invented yet but people shared the songs and it passed to the next generation from word of mouth.

It might help to know that the native language of Ireland is not English but Irish Gaelic; in other words you can refer it as Irish or gaeilge. The language is very popular and spoken throughout the country, no wonder you will find the phrases from Irish Gaelic showing up in the songs and the music.

50 Must-Have St. Patrick's Day Favorites

Irish Pub Songs & more
50 Must-Have St. Patrick's Day Favorites: Irish Pub Songs & more
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Only $6.99

The Melodies and Harmony


I have not met a single person in life who does not love music; the human world adores melodies, tunes and harmony of the notes. Folks who cannot play the instrument love to hear musical performances and cherish their own favourite bands. That is how humanity loves to celebrates events with music and entertainment; whether it is a wedding ceremony or any other festive event.

History of Irish Folk Music




Irish Traditional Music is at the core of the Irish heritage and the historical influences dating back to a century. It was never a static antique piece, always absorbing the essence of the ancient civilizations and traditions.






The musicians were open to keep the traditions vibrant and perky, the classical tunes left to be open to ramifications yet conservative measures to retain the soul and core values. Irish folk music is like the soft tunes of sea breeze and the gentle impact of the waves in ocean.







The essence of traditional Irish Music is to portray what was happening in the music segment in yester years and the future of contemporary harmonic tunes.

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Ireland’s Traditional Irish Music


Ireland’s traditional music has a touch of the Celtic vibes, influence of the ancient cultures whether it is Roman or Gaul; and the overall influence of the ancient heritage, simplicity and country living.

From the commercial recordings of traditional Irish tunes to experimental music with other music cultures, the Irish tunes have the essence of the diversity from the diverse world of Irish and Celtic acoustic music. Leading Irish musicians have never ceased to enthrall the audience, all over the world; it is not just centered towards the Irish community.

Music is adored by all, Irish tunes have considerable audiences, major developments in the music and entertainment field has strived to keep the music lovers and musicians alike informed about the latest additions, keeping them abreast of all significant news, potential and imminence within the Irish Traditional Music community all over the world.

Celtic Harp Music

Blossom & The Rain: Celtic Harp Music
$14.45  $12.79

Soaring Presence of Irish Musicians and the Impact on the World


Ireland is known throughout for the origin of St. Patrick’s Day, shamrocks and leprechauns. Yet another dimension is added through its contribution of incredible musicians and unrivalled inherited talent that is celebrated and enjoyed in US, Australia and Brazil. It is, in fact the fundamental prowess of music and the contagious touch of the melodies and Irish music fans that the Irish traditions and entertaining music lies in the heart of every music lover and cherished by them in abundance.

Music of Ireland from YouTube

Updated: 08/10/2018, WriterArtist
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frankbeswick on 03/09/2022

Although the fiddle [violin] is not an originally Irish instrument, it was eagerly taken up by Irish musicians; and harp tunes were adapted for it, so many tunes for the fiddle were originally composed for the harp.

DerdriuMarriner on 03/08/2022

WriterArtist, Thank you for practical information, pretty pictures and product lines.
Heading into St. Patrick's Day caused me to consult your wizzleys on March 17th fun, gifts, ideas and symbols. You come up with an attractive, practical, timely array of gift ideas.

If you were on the receiving end, which one of the gifts of those imaged above would you most like? (I ask this because I'm stumped over what to give one last giftee.)

frankbeswick on 03/20/2015

Traditional Irish and Scottish music can be very beautiful, with haunting melodies that enchant the spirit. I have a collection of Irish and Scottish harp music, and some Welsh as well.

Blind people played the harp by the feel of it, and the fact that the Irish harp is not as large as the classical harp helps them to play it. Furthermore, it has no pedals, which differentiates it from the classical harp. It is a medium size harp, some way between a full sized harp and a lyre, which is a small harp.

The clarsach, known as the triangular harp, is known from Irish carvings from the tenth century and from carvings in Pictish Scotland from the ninth. This must not be taken to mean that the Picts invented it, as the harp is an ancient instrument whose origins go back far in human history. It probably originated when someone heard the sound of a bow string twanging and got the idea for making music from it.

WriterArtist on 03/20/2015

@jptanabe - I have found myself loving all kind of music that is melodious. Celtic music of course has religious roots and it is interesting to know the Scottish connections.

WriterArtist on 03/20/2015

@frankbeswick - I am amazed that blind people could play the harp. There is so much to read and learn. Thanks for the thoughtful comments. It is interesting to know there is so much history behind the traditional music equipment of Ireland.

jptanabe on 03/12/2015

I love Celtic music, having been born in Scotland! Of course Irish music is different from Scottish music, but it still feels familiar to me.

frankbeswick on 02/20/2015

Turlough O Carolan was a blind harper, for the Irish used to train blind people in harp playing. He had gone blind at six years old. But, accompanied by a servant, beginning as a young adult,he used to tour the great houses of Ireland, enchanting people with his music. So enchanting was his music that there were tales that he could charm the Sidhe [ pronounced shee, the fairy folk] from their mounds when he played. He lived in the late seventeenth century.

A true Irish harp is called a clarsach. The cheaper varieties had brass strings, but traditionally the best strings were bronze. This kind of harp is small and relatively simple, less complicated than the classical harp and the Welsh triple stringed harp. The Irish harp with its metal strings has one characteristic not shared by the gut-stringed Scottish harp: when used rightly its metal strings can replicate the sound of bells. Unlike the classical harp the Irish harp has no pedals.

Another characteristically Irish instrument is the uillean pipes, the national bagpipes of Ireland. The word is pronounced illian. Don't let the difficulties of Gaelic spelling daunt you. I have some Gaelic, but I struggle with the spelling. The uillean pipes make beautiful music.

WriterArtist on 02/19/2015

@LindaSmith - Again great to know that you too are partly Irish, I loved the youtube videos of Celtic music and it was awesome to watch the Irish dancing moves. Not to mention the beautiful girls in their gorgeous dresses.

WriterArtist on 02/19/2015

@frankbeswick - It is amazing to know that your ancestors were from Ireland. Awesome to have people from Irish descent on Wizzley. Maybe some time, you can write about the people from Ireland or the history of the country. Saint Patrick's Day is approaching and perhaps this is the best time to write.

WriterArtist on 02/19/2015

@frankbeswick - I understand now why I could not find Calloran when I tried to search in Amazon. I will search with the new spelling.

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