Jaguars are famous all over the world, for their beautiful spotted fur coat, and their mysterious nature. They're rarely seen in the wild, but are one of the most successful hunters of any species.
Jaguars are one of the four "big cats," meaning they can roar, along with lions, tigers, and leopards. They're the third biggest of the big cats, weighing around 100-200 lbs (about 50-100 kg), and their bodies can be over 6 feet long (2m).
Even though they're smaller than some of the other big cats, they have the strongest bite of any feline, strong enough to crack through skulls or turtle shells. Their strength, along with their great hunting and hiding skills, make them highly successful predators, sitting at the top of the food chain and capable of attacking prey several times their size.
oh I love them espeacialy wit kids I love it lets start the jaguar movement and big cats
Can you tell me about jaguar movement.