When you were a little girl, didn’t you ever wish for more clothes for your doll? Didn’t you want her to have food on the little table, rather than only empty plastic plates and teacups? Whenever you had ice cream, didn't you want her to have some, too? I’ll bet you did! And, I’m certain that your little girl would love to have new and cool things for her favorite doll. Getting miniature stuff for dolls can be quite expensive. So, why not teach your child to make some of the things that she wants her doll to have? After all, kids love to work on art projects and she would be so eager to do something special for her doll. Here is an example of children's projects for making doll accessories.

Kiddie Crafts: Childrens Projects For Making Doll Accessories
What little girl wouldn't want to make some accessories for her dolls.
The Ice Cream Sundae Project
Your child will need a plastic cup, cotton balls, glue, poster colors, a pastry bag with a nozzle,a brown grocery bag, and bright red clay. Here are the easy steps:
- First, let your child decide what flavors the sundae would have. A cotton ball best resembles a scoop of ice cream. Let her choose the poster colors to paint the cotton balls with – brown for chocolate, pink for strawberry, green for pistachio, and so on. For vanilla, your child need not paint the cotton ball.
- Remember to use a brush to lightly dab on the paint on the cotton ball. It is important not to soak the cotton so as not to destroy its round shape. The paint should dry in a few minutes.
- Pick out two to three colored cotton balls to be placed in the plastic cup. Glue the first cotton ball to the bottom of the cup. Then, glue the second and third ones, piling and arranging them, one on top of the other as you would pile ice cream scoops in a sundae.
- Next, mix a brown poster paint with water and pour it into a pastry bag. If you don’t have one, any squeezable container with a nozzle tip will do.
- To start making the toppings, form the red clay into a ball. This will make a perfect cherry that your child can put on top of the sundae.
- Another favorite topping is the wafer stick. To make one, cut a square piece from the brown paper bag then roll it so that it resembles a chocolate wafer stick. Don’t forget to glue the edge so that it will stay in its rolled form. Then, put some glue on the bottom part of the paper wafer stick and insert it between cotton balls so that its bottom touches the first cotton ball.
Childrens projects should be kept simple
Childrens projects for making doll accessories should never be complicated. Like this one, they should consist of simple and readily available materials. Your child will definitely love this project and will spend hours creating different ice cream concoctions. Tell her to think of other fun toppings that she can make. Some exciting ones are sprinkles and nuts and these can be made with mini confetti, or glitter, or clay as well.
There are tons of ways your child can make her own doll accessories. Pretty soon, she’ll be taking on projects on her own and creating more things for her doll. Not only will she have a lot of fun but she will greatly improve her creative skills as well. Just keep in mind that childrens projects for making doll accessories should always be easy enough for them to make. Otherwise, your child might end up disappointed or, even worse, sad that she couldn't do it.
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What a great idea and the answer would be yes, I love the creative spirit of this do it yourself project for kids. What a great learning and development tool, not to mention instilling a good dose of self confidence and inspiration for the budding mind.