Meaning Of Eye Colors
by marciag
What is the meaning of your eye colors? Have you ever wondered how your eye colors define you?
Why Is Eye Color Meaning Important?
Have you noticed that one of the first things you notice about a person you meet (whether you know them already or you've just me them for the first time) is the eyes?
The eyes are the windows to the soul and the eye colors have personality defining meaning as well - at least that's what they say.
The most common eye colors are blue, brown, hazel and gray, while some of the more unusual colors for eyes are: violet, green, amber (or golden), black and red. Yes, red exists as well and most of the time albino people have them.
So do eye colors have meaning or not? This is what this article will discuss, along with giving you the common meanings attributed to eyes by the internet world - afterall that's why you're here in the first place, right?
Meaning Of Eye Colors Quizzes
If you check online for eye color meaning, you'll find quite a lot of information, most of it being games and quizzes.
The interesting thing about these quizzes is that if you take the same quiz at another place or a second time, for the most part, the result is different.
So how can you trust such quizzes in the first place?
The answer is, you don't.
Treat them as fun games to spend a bit of free time, but don't take them seriously. I went through over 10 different websites featuring quizzes, and they are as reliable as a speck of dust in the wind. You never know where it's going next.
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Common Meaning Of Eye Colors
I know you wanted to know what does your eye color mean, so here goes. The common meaning of eye colors.
If you find that nothing matches with your own eye colors, don't worry, it's normal. Afterall it's all random. If you find, instead, that this represents exactly you, again, don't worry, it happens. All is random really. The next person with the same eye colors like you might have a completely different experience when reading these results.
- Brown eyes - Brown eyes are all about the Earth qualities of a person, including energy, fertility, endurance, creativity, lots of courage, and of course, grounding. And they are not much interested in material gains. They love nature, are spiritual and are very strong and even thick headed at times, very independent.
- Black eyes - Oh mystery, sex, witchcraft, secrets, darkness (vampires anyone?). If you've read any romances and especially paranormal romances, you'll notice that all the heroes (and romantic vampires) have black eyes. They are all mysterious and all the attributes listed above can be easily given to each and one of them. They never tell much about themselves and they also are known to have psychic powers.
- Hazel eyes - They are again independent and courageous. They are extremely sensible and they are said to be empaths.
- Blue eyes - Blue speaks about clairvoyant abilities (didn't we just say the black eyes are the psychic ones?), and can see the future and the past like Nostradamus or Edgar Caycee. They are also very observant of their surroundings. Blue speaks of the energy of the sky and water (BIG surprise there!)
- Green eyes - Would you be surprised if I told you that green eyes are all about the nature, healthy living, freshness? These people of all types are compassionate and they are spiritual in nature. They are our healers.
- Gray eyes - These folks are also sensitive and have an inner strength that not many others possess. They have a deep wisdom and can change their mood to suit the current occasion.
There you have it. So which eye color do you have and what does it say about you?
And what about dual colored eyes? Do those people inherit a bit from the trats of both eye colors? What does it say about their eye color personality?
The Truth About Eye Colors
After quite a lot of research (I was into colors, color therapy and learning about meaning of colors a while back), I've come to the conclusion that there is no personality meaning to eye color. Let me try to prove it to you.
Both my parents have deep brown colors (almost the same even in shade). Yet they are completley different both in physical attributes (my dad is very thin, my mom is a bit overweight), they have different interests and their personality couldn't be more different in two people.
I also inherited from them the brown eye color and while I do have some traits coming from both my parents, I have a different personality altogether.
Oh and let's not forget that the majority of the people on Earth are blessed with brown eyes.
I will not paraphrase here what is already said about the various eye colors, Wikipedia has an excellent article on each color on how the colors come to be about and what determins who has which color for their eyes.
Let me just say that it all depends on the pigmentation of the iris mostly by the melanin content.
Eye Color Meaning For A Person - Iridology
The meaning of eye colors does say a lot about a person, but not based on psychology and personality traits.
It is all about how people with different eye colors respond to medicine and what are they more subjected to overall.
For example studies have shown that people with ligher eye colors (shades of blue, gray) have a greater chance of getting age-related macular degeneration (AMD).
On the other hand, people with brown colored eyes have a greater chance of getting eye cataracts, which means that staying away from direct sunlight is advised.
An alternatie medicine branch dealing with eye colors related to health issues is called iridology. The iridology practitioners are using iris charts that help them map the various ill parts of the body.
The reason is because based on those iris charts, the iris is split into various sectors, each of them corresponding to a particular body part.
Based on this, whoever said that the eyes are the windows to the soul, should change their statement to the eyes being a window to the body itself!
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How Do You Feel about Meaning Of Eye Colors?
Mine are like green on the edges then the rest is brown. What's that mean?
My eyes are changing from light brown, amber when the light is in my eyes and reddish brown if im moody
I seem to have a dark bluey-purple border to them in different lights and emotions. And the colours inside the border are a mix between light blue, light grey and a hint of lime green. I don't know what to think of them.
My eyes are dark red. Yes, red, not brown. When I'm happy they turn goldish-blackish-brown and when I'm feeling negative, they are very dark, almost black. Eye colours are strange, I feel strange. :-D
My eyes change from différent colors each time. Their normally brown but now they turn green, yellowish green, grey, black, blue n metallic. I think there's something wrong with my eyes. I don't understand, no one else in my family has eyes like me and my friends say I have unique eyes cause they change colors
The one who said changing your eye color based on ur mood is BS, is freaking stupid. I usually have hazel green eyes. They are usually green, with orange in the middle around the puple, and golden specs around the edge of my eyes. When I'm depressed, they turn black. Yes, black. Either that or a really dark grey. And whenever I'm in a very amazing mood, they turn blue. When I'm standing far away, they look brown. So... I basically have rainbow eyes. My eyes are very random, and I have always wished for blue eyes. But now that I think of it, having these eyes is unique, and I like it.
My eyes are Hazel. Coming from a Mexican
American heritage, I was told that I was gifted, ironically my three kids have my eyes as well. They turn Blue at times, and I've been told when they are blue for people to stand clear. Perhaps that has something to do with my Taurus side. I believe in windows to the sole, if you were to look into mine, you would see for miles.
I don't have changing color eyes but my eyes are ok there a dark brown but not so much that there black and they have rings in them if you look closely andin light
My turn colors depend on my mood but each one of those meaning I have and my eyes are brown, hazel, green,blue, gray and black
My Eye color always change when i cry it turns more to green hazel and when i'm happy gold oak when i'm mad dark brown its so strange and when everything is ok its hazel gold