One of the most popular shows on television today is ABC’s “Revenge.” First aired in September 2011, it tells the story of a young woman who takes it as a mission to avenge her father’s death.
The woman’s name is Amanda Clarke, daughter of the late David Clarke, an executive of Grayson Global who is framed for a terrorist attack by the people he works for -- the Graysons. David is sent to prison for the crime, and is eventually killed by a man named Gordon Murphy, a mercenary who works for the Graysons.
When Amanda learns about the truth, she changes her name to Emily Thorne, and starts plotting against her father’s killers. Along the way, she digs deeper and discovers shocking information more than what she asked for.
Will she succeed in taking down the Graysons? This show will get you hooked.
[Photo Credit: Revenge from]
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