Amazing Miracle Fruit - Berries That Magically Trick Your Taste Buds Into Thinking Sour Is Sweet

by Jerrico_Usher

Don't like the taste of Alcohol, lemons, sour vegitables, sour fruits? Take this berry and they will all taste sweet as rasins!

A powerfully fun trend is hitting dinner parties all over the world and even creating events around this miracle berry's mystical powers. Although many are just learning about the 'miracle berries' for the first time recently, these powerful berries have been around for many centuries! They were first found by a French man in 1725, but he wasn't the first to find and consume them. For those that 'used' them, they often would use them as a cure for bad tasting foods (that they wanted to eat anyway for health benefits).

These berries actually have the power to change how your taste buds work! "HOW?!" Well, the truth is science hasn't yet figured out completely "how" they work, but they DO work. Some great uses for these are, breaking yourself from sugar dependency, weight loss (easier to eat foods that aren't sweet!), and throwing a great "taste tripping party", like millions of others are doing!

You won't find these in your local grocery stores but you can either buy the berries (frozen/shipped) online, potted plants (seedlings in soil) ready to "raise", or you can purchase seeds and start from scratch (the most cost effective methods are the last two and I'll show you in this article where to get all three)...

________________________ Miracle Berries ______________________

Miracle berry

_______________________How Does It Work? ____________________

Scientists' hypothesis that it has something to do with the protein miraculin which bonds to your taste buds causing a "misreading" of the buds information. They aren't sure, however, if even this is the mechanism. You can turn sour/bitter/strong alcohol into a sweet treat.

A shot of something like tequila has been tried and found to turn it into a sweet dessert tasting like an orange creamcicle for many.  Each person has a different taste bud and unique taste perceptions so you may experience another candy treat instead of dreamcicles!


This is also where it's name comes from- a spin on Miraculin- miracle

Wikipedia Explanation of Miraculin (click link in above paragraph to view the whole page)

Gross Tasting Foods Taste Sweet Again!

Have you ever been to a private dinner party or just "dinner" at a friends house and you know this person can't cook or will bring out some really hard to stomach foods? Fret not, my friend, because the miracle berry can resolve this for you. Taking a berry and swishing it around for a few moments before swallowing it, will arm your taste buds. Sour or displeasing foods tend to come out sweet and uniquely delicious! If they can turn Tequila into dreamcicles, I think they can turn just about anything around.


The trend is so popular today that people are growing their own berry trees (you can buy seeds Miracle berry treeonline, see resources in this article) and having "seasonal" dinner parties called "taste parties". In these parties people try to find the sour-est foods, and just about ANY food they think will get a reaction. People try them after taking a berry. Since the effect lasts an hour it's perfect.

Even sweet foods tend to have a new flavor. It's truly an adventure in tasting I won't soon forget.

You can buy the berries in a variety of ways. You can make them yourselves (grow your own tree(s)), you can purchase them in tablet form (preserved), and you can purchase the berries themselves online (same with the seeds).

Once you try it you will want to start growing them to sell or give to your friends- trust me on that. They are a bit expensive to buy the berries, but growing them is quite inexpensive and you can preserve them by freezing them!


Plants or Seeds

Most people go for the plants or seeds over purchasing fresh/frozen berries because of the expensive price of buying them outright. A quick look online and you'll see the fresh berries (frozen) are quite expensive (sometimes 5-6.00 a berry!).

By growing your own you can get years of berries (and a lot of them every year) for one small price- the price of the plant (and maybe plant food and miracle grow).


Pre-Potted Plants


Buying the pre-potted plants are the cheapest and quickest way to see results.

With seeds you have to first germinate them and could spend time waiting to find out which ones will grow and which are dud seeds.

With seedlings and potted plants they've already started growing and will continue to grow.

You will want to go online and learn how to grow them/take care of them best in different areas.

I think they are pretty straight forward but check to be sure. Good soil and miracle grow helps make them grow so much faster and bigger.

prepotted miracle berry plant
prepotted miracle berry plant


Large Potted Plant (5 Gallon)

If you want a faster way to go, get the bigger potted plants (like the one below) that are already fruit bearing. You should, depending on when in the season you get it, be able to see fruit that year (in season).

Many groups have created holidays around tasting parties based on when their berries bear fruit. They are fragile and must be picked at a certain point, but they can be frozen for 3 months with full effect.

5 gal potted Miracle Berry Plant, shipped right to your door
9GreenBox - LARGE rare Miracle Fruit Make Sour Foods Becomes Sweet ...


Preserved By Dehydration The Berries Last Longer

Many companies have realized that they can also be dried out and still be effective (creating tablets you can put on the tongue and dissolve for a few minutes prior to eating/tasting).

This form is the longest lasting where freshness is concerned (and the effects are still peaking). The active ingredient is preserved in the process.

The tablets are the most portable, lasting version to get it in but it's pretty expensive. You could effectively dry out (dehydrate) your home grown berries cheaper.

Many buy these, however for the "test run".

Miracle Frooties Miracle Fruit Tablets XL (600 Mg Tablets)

Miracle Frootie Miracle Fruit Tablets are the taste sensation that is sweeping the nation. Miracle Frooties transform ordinary foods into something extraordinary. What is miracl...

Only $15.99

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mberry Miracle Fruit Tablets

Mberry Miracle Fruit Tablets are the taste sensation that is sweeping the nation. Mberry tablets transform ordinary foods into something extraordinary. What is miracle berry? Th...

Only $17.99

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Seedlings In Dirt


(Not miracle berry seedlings but this is what they look like and the container in the background is the plug and play container)
(Not miracle berry seedlings but this is what they look like and the container in the background is the plug and play container)

The pre-potted plants come in a variety of types from baby seedlings in dirt/seedling containers that are biodegradable (so plop them in dirt and your done), and small to aged/large (bearing fruit) plants. It could take a year to see anything and possibly more to start bearing fruit.

For some, myself included, the joy of starting from a seed and growing the entire plant/bush to "fruition", is rewarding. 

Germination and plant growing isn't easy for everyone but you can learn a great deal online about how to do it (including youtube video tutorials for this particular plant!). 

Taste Tripping Party In Action


For Fun Or Profit


Weather you want to enjoy the berries or start a powerful home based "berry" business, you can find them easily and inexpensively. Buying seeds and planting your own trees (lots of information on how to grow, nurture, and enhance them is available online now) gives you an opportunity to throw dinner parties with flair, but growing your own lot can mean a great deal of money in your pocket WHILE you enjoy them too!

Imagine selling them at flea markets/swap meets, you'd have to give them a sample free (and have a buffet of foods that will astonish them like lemons, limes, etc...) but it's an impulse item!


The thing about these berries is that many have STILL not heard of them. They are prevalent in bigger cities but even people from bigger cities never heard of them. This means you can grow a tree, and throw a party, let them get a good "taste" of the product then offer to sell them some AT the party. You'd be surprised how people react after trying these. You can also grow more trees from the seeds extracted from the trees you make (they are small trees you can even grow indoors).

You can, yourself, also endulge in the fun at the dinner parties... they make a lot of berries per tree and are selling online in upwards of 1-3.00 a berry (but you can just buy a tree and be patient to get them for pennies per dozen)...

-Or Buy The Seeds Themselves And Plant Them Yourself From Scratch

4 Fresh Miracle Fruit Tree Seeds ~ Turns Sour to Sweet ~ Grow Your Own!!

YOU WILL RECEIVE 4 Rare Miracle Fruit Seeds Detailed Planting Instructions On-going E-mail Support What is Miracle Fruit? Miracle Fruit (Synsepalum dulcificum), sometimes known ...

Ecstatic Earth

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15 Miracle Fruit Seeds - Sour to Sweet - Synsepalum Dulcificum

Miracle fruit seeds need a tropical environment and special care to germinate. There are hundreds of ways to kill them and only a few to grow them successfully. If you are not p...

Ethan's Garden  / Only $25.99

View on Amazon

3 Miracle Fruit Seeds - Turn Sour to Sweet - Synsepalum Dulcificum

Miracle fruit seeds need a tropical environment and special care to grow. They are very sensitive and temperamental. If miracle fruit was easy to grow, the fresh fruit would be ...

Ethan's Garden  / Only $12.79

View on Amazon

Some renditions from people who've tried it with various foods/drinks

lime orange corn

Limes even squeezed into a juice (with no sugar added) suddenly taste like the most delicious "lime-aid" ever. Cool-aid with no sugar tastes like it's full of sugar! (could be a way to ween off sugar products without losing "taste" which would help the mental addiction while the physical addiction is subsiding!).

Oranges which already have a lot of sweetness, taste like they were imported from the very garden of Eden or imported from another planet! Words can't describe the life changing sensations you get from tasting things after indulging in these miracle berries!


(someone even tried boogers, but I'm not even going to go there...).

Weight Loss Uses? Breaking The Sugar Dependence!

What I really like about them is beyond the cool effects of tasting sweet, straight lemon (no puckering faces here!), that this can be an active tool in weight loss and breaking habits like eating sweets, not eating foods simply because they don't taste good (but are incredibly good for you), and as I stated above, being able to survive nasty food at a dinner you were invited to..."Taste Tripping" parties are all the rage in New York and Chicago.

It's amazing how bad tasting food can become sugar snacks! Think about things like grapefruit that, for many, have a taste that is undesirable- you could love it with these. Think about healthy vegitables that are just not sweet at all- you can enjoy it with this. You could even keep to yourself that you ate the berry and eat stuff your friends think is nasty- in bulk! Ah the fun you could have?


Be careful!

Please note: Highly acidic foods (like pure lemon juice) will taste wonderful, but will still harm your mouth if you drink too much!

Same with hotsauce which has been said to taste like hot donut glaze! (but don't let the taste fool you, this stuff is corrosive in bulk, when the berry wears off you may feel your throat burning!)


Flavor enhancing "effects" last about an hour. When you first chew the berry (remove the seed) swish it around in your mouth for a bit, trying to rest as much as possible on the tongue...

Happy Tasting!

Don't Forget MiracleGrow If Your Going To Grow Your Own Berries!

Miracle-Gro 1002851 Fruit and Citrus ...
Only $22.75
Miracle-Gro 1001232 All Purpose Plant...
$10.84  $10.78

Here's DR. Oz Talking About How To Lose Weight With The Miracle Berry

Updated: 07/26/2012, Jerrico_Usher
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