Miter Saw Stand Reviews

by Tested_to_Destruction

A miter saw stand is a must-have tool when it comes to precision work. No matter what model you choose, make sure that you buy the best stand that you can afford.

A miter saw stand will provide the stability and functionality of a miter saw bench or work station. When working to precision, you need a stable platform to work from and the tasks required of a miter saw require accuracy - much like the reasons why a hole saw is the best job for what it does.

A saw stand allows you to get more out of your saw and most find them difficult or more labor intensive to use without one. Given the stability that a stand offers, they should be viewed as mutually exclusive - one doesn't work as well without the other.

You can opt for a portable model or, if your work area is static, a standard fit-it-to-the-bench type is the better choice. Whatever you go on to purchase, make sure that it suits your working environment in order to receive the best results.

DEWALT DW723 Miter Saw Stand

The DEWALT DW723 is the best selling mitre saw stand, and for good reason. Right out of the box, it comes ready to work. It's fully assembled, its storage capacity is compact and despite the sturdy feel and appearance, it's incredibly robust. The fact that it's portable will attract a lot of purchases, simply because you can pack it up nd take it to wherever the work is.

Even better - it's universal, so it's compatible with every miter saw model. And it gets better. The 5-1/2" will adjust to hold up to 400lbs in weight, and material up to 16ft in length can be worked on it. The tool mount has non-marking feet, which removes and potential for damaging materials. The working height is comfortable and will far outweigh bending over or, even worse - working from the floor. It's awesome, highly functional and well worth the money. This is one stand that will pay you back time and again.

DEWALT DW723 Miter Saw Stand

The DEWALT Miter Saw Stand offers large-capacity material support without sacrificing portability, so you can make quick, accurate cuts with ease. This stand features a ...

Only $355.82

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DELTA 36-136 Universal Miter Saw Stand

The DELTA 36-136 is the best miter saw stand with wheels and is an all-round quality design and manufacture. It features pneumatic raising and lowering, adjustable infeed/outfeed rollers and will able manage up to 300lbs in weight. The wheels add to both its stability when in use and its maneuverability when either moving it or storing it away. Besides the fact that it will house any miter saw model, it will also pair up with a planer or other tools that sometimes require the use of a stable work area.

Its versatility also extends to being put to use as an occasional general work bench - you can use it to clamp work, sand down and more. There are plenty of other pluses about the stand that should fire it straight onto your short-list - it's easy to stow away, position when in use and the construction is incredibly solid. Overall, the Delta 36 more than deserves its almost perfect five star rating, as well as its position on the best five list. It's first-rate design and quality manufacture make this one well worth investing in.

DELTA 36-136 Universal Miter Saw Stand

Perfect for any bench top tool requiring mobility, the Delta Universal Mobile Stand comes with fully adjustable infeed and outfeed rollers and three position, pneumatic ...

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Bosch T4B Gravity-Rise Miter Saw Stand

The Bosch T4B is the best portable miter saw stand for around three hundred bucks. It's powder coated steel frame is heavy duty - and feels it. The solid build quality is matched by features such as rapid release tool mounts, the 'gravity-rise' system and 8" pneumatic wheels that add to the stability. There's also an aluminum support rail and universal rapid release mounts that allows for almost any model of miter saw.

The ease with which it's lowered/raised and ready for work is impressive, despite its size and weight and it oozes all that's great about a Bosch product. The support rails will extend out to 18ft and the build provides a stand that will take considerable material weight. Although the thought of spending almost 300 dollars may be enough to put some people off - it's worth its weight in gold. It's awesome, ready to roll and if it's good enough for tradesmen everywhere, it's good enough for anything you're going to throw at it.

Bosch T4B Gravity-Rise Miter Saw Stand

Bosch expanded its patented and award-winning technology to develop and introduce the new Gravity-Rise T4B Portable Miter Saw Stand. Smart, durable and simple to use, ...

Only $389.0

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Denali Miter Saw Stand

The Denali miter saw stand is the best your money will buy around the hundred dollar mark. Unbelievably sturdy, it's one to rule in rather than out if you're on a budget - yet still want a quality product. It's got quick release mounts, and the design allows it to fold up/down fluidly and confidently. The construction itself is awesome considering its priced - heavy duty power coated steel.

There's two supports that can be used on the horizontal and the vertical and the mounting system will work with most 10" miter saws. In all, you're getting a mighty bang for your buck. The Denali is well received by other purchasers and deservedly so. It's tough, ready to rock and will definitely surprise you with its capabilities.

Skil MS3300 Miter Saw Stand

The Skil MS is the best entry level miter saw stand and is easily the most basic. But - for what it is, it's excellent value. Whilst it lacks some of the bells and whistles of comparable models, this is a great choice for home use or light trade standard work. It's universal, taking most 10" miter saws. It's able to hold up to 400lbs in weight and although it weighs in quite light, its tougher than it looks.

The extension arms roll out to 8.23ft and the horizontal easy adjust slide guide can turn both left and right. In all, it wipes the floor with an old school saw horse and comes highly recommended. It's portable, functional and will give a great return on the initial outlay. A top rated entry level saw stand.

Skil MS3300 Miter Saw Stand

Includes Miter Saw Stand - 3300MS-02

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Updated: 02/29/2012, Tested_to_Destruction
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