Mysterious Black Holes in Universe

by WriterArtist

Is our galaxy in dire threat of being gobbled by the mysterious Black Holes in universe? Do we face extinction from their large numbers?

Black holes are among the most mysterious objects in our galaxy and this universe. They are just what they are – black and totally dark. Nothing can escape their vicious gravitation, not even light. That is the reason we cannot perceive it, To observe an object luminous or otherwise, it has to reflect light. Neither light nor matter can flow out from the black hole to an outside observer.

Our galaxy, the Milky Way is another riddle and black holes are part of it. The mysterious subjects “Black holes” are frustrating to scientists - they don't emit any light, they can’t be seen, they just exist.

Image Courtesy Pixabay
Author geralt

The Monster Black Hole

Monster Black Holes
Nat'l Geographic Vid
$8.49  $7.29
The Black Hole
Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment
$4.83  $10.98

Exploring Black Holes: Introduction to General Relativity

Exploring Black Holes: Introduction to General Relativity
Addison Wesley Longman

The Baffling Universe


Human mind has tried to understand the minutest of this existence – the atoms and the opposite; the greatest part of the existence which are the stars, galaxy and the gigantic universe. Scientists have been even able to discover the existence of protons and electrons smaller than atoms. And even smaller positrons – the smallest of all, they are smaller than protons. Again, we as humans are limited by our intellectual power, there might be another universe or many more universes in this huge existence.


Did God create universe? This is a mystery which has puzzled mankind for a long time. Scientists are baffled from the existence and evolution of a puzzle called universe. And by the presence or rather absence of such an enormous source of power which we call God. Then there are other questions; like what was there before the universe and perhaps another difficult question – who created God?


Introduction to Black Holes

Books on Amzon
An Introduction To Black Holes, Infor...
World Scientific Publishing Company
$16.11  $15.0
A Black Hole Is Not a Hole
$19.76  $28.95
Black Holes, Wormholes and Time Machi...
CRC Press
$40.24  $15.52

Introduction to General Relativity, Black Holes and Cosmology

Introduction to General Relativity, Black Holes and Cosmology
Oxford University Press

Black Holes in Milky Way

How many Black Holes Exist?


From our imagination of unicorns, gargoyles and nuclear bombs, these celestial beings are nothing short of fantasy. But they are not fiction, they are for real.


Rays of light cannot escape from the mighty power and gravitational force of Black holes, it cannot travel back to our telescopes to give us any information of how they appear.


Do the black holes really exist?


Thanks to our recent findings and studies, we are able to observe the effects of a black hole. Though we cannot observe the black hole itself for the simple reason that we need light to get reflected from the object and fall into our eyes, it is possible to detect their presence. 


We need other sophisticated instruments to perceive them. Perhaps the best way of exploring the black hole is looking for it when it is taking birth in a binary star system. Strictly speaking we can observe black holes in two places:  binary systems, and the cores of galaxies existing in this infinite universe. Millions and millions of Black holes do exist.


Introduction to Black Hole Physics

Introduction to Black Hole Physics
Oxford University Press

Orion 10135 SkyQuest XT10g Computerized GoTo Dobsonian Telescope

Orion 10135 SkyQuest XT10g Computerized GoTo Dobsonian Telescope

Orion 8974 SkyQuest XT8 PLUS Dobsonian Reflector Telescope

Orion 8974 SkyQuest XT8 PLUS Dobsonian Reflector Telescope

Why don't we see the Black Holes in the sky?

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Beyond the Solar System: Exploring Galaxies, Black Holes, Alien Planets, and More; A History with 21 Activities

(For Kids series)
Beyond the Solar System: Exploring Galaxies, Black Holes, Alien Pla...
Chicago Review Press
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How are Black Holes Formed?

Black Holes Theories


The mysterious Black holes are difficult to study, and still more challenging to explain to an audience with no expertise and background in science. You need some exposure to the faculties such as astronomy or physics to understand. 


We have evidences of them and know how they were discovered, beyond that there are many theories that try to explain the making of Black holes. We know more of how are they created and how can they be detected, thanks to our high end telescopes and astronomy? We also know now that there is a possibility that our life giving sun will eventually become a black hole or a white (dead) star.


Black holes can also be described by a stream of science called quantum mechanics, but sadly both quantum mechanics and relativity theories aren't sufficient to explain them in totality. In simple words, these theories fail at some point because of the fact that the mathematical equations and calculations lead to create infinities. This really is an issue because if a theory produces infinity at some point, the theory itself is not assumed to be correct.

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Pacific Play Tents Space Station Tent and 4' Tunnel Combo, White/Multi
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Understanding Black Holes


Black holes can be understood as objects in mathematical terms as stars having varied compositions. They are born from a giant magnitude of catastrophic collapse of a cosmic entity. Black holes in contrast to other stars retain just a few traits like mass, charge and angular momentum that we in our limited knowledge of quantum stream acknowledge. And, in the event the object that shaped the black hole was rotating, then so will be the black hole. Black holes rotate too. Imagine the threat it can cause when it comes near.

Black holes are believed to spin extremely quickly. A spinning enormous black hole is capable of dragging space-time in it. It can really devour it. Consequently, light rays passing close to a rotating black hole on its one side behaves in a different way than light passing on the other side. Fortunately, this property of black hole enables us to measure its angular momentum.

Black Holes in Universe

Black Holes in Universe
Black Holes in Universe
Pixabay: Author tpsdave

Facts about Black Holes


So our galaxy is filled with many black holes ranging from enormous and gigantic black holes to miniscule ones. Should we be scared of this fact? Not at all because there are 2 facts in our favour -the gigantic space in between the stars and the present black holes. The fact that all of these stars are orbiting in the middle of the galaxy keeps us safe at the moment.


  • Black holes may develop into bigger monsters. The size may vary from microscopic to superlatives.
  • According to a study Black holes give off x-rays just prior to devouring its companion stars.
  • Black holes are almost thrice as heavy as sun.  

Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays

Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays
$11.27  $7.29

Stephen Hawking Explains Black Holes


Black holes are frustrating to the astronomers and the scientists because they do not emit anything whatsoever besides what Stephen Hawking theorized as Hawking Radiation. Black Holes are known to have a theorized maximum dimension and fortunately there are some ways of calculating the monstrous sizes they can attain through mathematical equations.

Black holes are massive bodies of area which are so dense that there is not a known object that can escape their gravitational pull. These gigantic forms have great properties and excessive gravity. Probably these monsters are amongst the most complicated objects in the universe. 

Read Black Holes

Black Hole: How an Idea Abandoned by Newtonians, Hated by Einstein, and Gambled On by Hawking Bec...

For more than half a century, physicists and astronomers engaged in heated dispute over the possibility of black holes in the universe. The weirdly alien notion of a space-time ...

Yale University Press
Only $18.3

View on Amazon

Black Holes (True Books: Space)

Book Details:Format: PaperbackPublication Date: 3/1/2010Pages: 48Reading Level: Age 7 and Up

$6.4  $20.0

View on Amazon

Death by Black Hole: And Other Cosmic Quandaries

“[Tyson] tackles a great range of subjects . . . with great humor, humility, and―most important― humanity.” ―Entertainment Weekly Loyal readers of the monthly "Universe" essays ...

W. W. Norton & Company
$12.89  $11.79

View on Amazon

Black Holes and Time Warps: Einstein's Outrageous Legacy (Commonwealth Fund Book Program)

Ever since Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity burst upon the world in 1915 some of the most brilliant minds of our century have sought to decipher the mysteries bequ...

W. W. Norton & Company
$18.59  $3.31

View on Amazon

Black Holes: Everything You Need to Know About Black Holes and Black Hole Physics (space explorat...

Everything you Need to Know about Black Holes and Black Hole Physics!Black Holes have been, and are still to this day, one of the great mysteries of cosmology. They have inspire...

Only $2.99

View on Amazon

Black Hole Videos on YouTube

Updated: 08/04/2015, WriterArtist
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Do you think it is possible to land our spaceships on Black Holes?

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DerdriuMarriner on 05/15/2021

WriterArtist, Thank you for pictures, practicalities and products.
It might have been Chris Lintott, Brian May and Sir Patrick Moore in Bang! or Stephen Hawking in one of his equally reader-friendly books who suggested that wormholes are inherently unstable and that black holes may be workable for shortcutting light-year travel. Stephen Hawking suggested that it may look like black holes emit radiation because, like the Biblical reference to some people going heavenward and others remaining behind in the Last Days, black holes can split paired particles so that one falls downward and the other escapes.

frankbeswick on 08/08/2015

Do Black Holes have a surface?

But deeper! In the 1930s a scientist. De Brogli, stated that we had solved all the major problems of Physics. Now do we agree with him? Physics seems to excel us all.

candy47 on 08/08/2015

I don't know if it's possible to land our spaceships on black holes, but I think we could try. Love this article!

happynutritionist on 08/06/2015

Black holes are among so many mysteries, some things are so beyond human understanding!

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