Your Birth Number is the most important number in numerology. According to numerology, your date of birth is most influential number in your life.
It is very easy to calculate your Birth Number. If you were born on any date 1 to 9 of any month, your date of birth is your Birth Number. For example, if you were born on 1st day of any month, your Birth Number is 1, and if you were born on 2nd, your Birth Number is 2.
Now, if you were born between 10 to 31 of any month, you have to add the two digits to get a single number, and that single number is your Birth Number. For examples, if you were born on 10th of any month, add 1 and 0. As the total is 1, your Birth Number is 1. If you were born on 31, your Birth Number is 4 as the total of 3 and 1 is 4.
Here is a chart which will help you to know your Birth Number:
Date of Birth Birth Number
1, 10, 19, 28 1
2, 11, 20, 29 2
3, 12, 21, 30 3
4, 13, 22, 31 4
5, 14, 23 5
6, 15, 24 6
7, 16, 25 7
8, 17, 26 8
9, 18, 27 9
However, if you were born on any double digit date, remember that the double digit number is also important in interpreting the characteristics. For example, if you were born on 28th of any month, your Birth Number is 1. So you are influenced by the characteristics of both number 1 and number 28.
Interesting. I know nothing about numerology Waiting to learn more..
Look forward to your next article, to see what my number means :D