The number 22 always appeared or sent it's related numbers before me on various occasions in my life. I am not a blind believer numerology, but the number surprises me by meeting again and again. I do not think that it is just co-incidence. But then the question arises: If it is not co incidence, then what is it?

Numerology: Number 22 in My Life
by msanglikar
I was born on 22nd of March 1958. Since then, this number along with other related numbers always appeared before me in my life. Here are some interesting facts:
Number 22, a Master Number According to Numerology
I was born on 22nd March. According to numerology, number 4 is nature number for the people born on 4,13, 22 and 31. So my nature number is 4. Further, number 22 has a special importance in numerology as it is considered a 'Master Number'.
I do not want to go deep in the quality and personality of people born on the date 22. If I go, it will be just discussing the greatness of number 22 people, of course according to numerology :). I just want to tell that how number 22 appears frequently in my life.
Number 22 in My Life
As I have told above that my date of birth is 22. My mother's name starts with the letter 'V'. What a co-incidence, the letter V is on number 22 in English Alphabets.
Further, my only sister was born on 22nd........
Another great co-incidence is about my cousin. He was born on 16th December. But when he was admitted to the school, his date of birth was registered as 22nd March. (In India, many times the date of birth is adjusted while admitting a child to school). At that time his father or mother (who are my paternal uncle and aunt) did not know about my date of birth.
My latest experience about number 22 is an article published about myself in a leading daily newspaper. This was first time that a reputed daily newspaper published an article about me and about my blog writings, that too on the editorial page. The article was published on 22nd of October 2012.
Another experience is about my turn of starting water pump motor in our Housing Society. I have to start the motor on 22nd of every month.
There are many other incidences, when number 22 appears. May it be Bank Account Number, or just the number of the vehicle through which I am traveling.
My Friends with Number 22
I have many friends. Some of them are very close friends. I never made new friends with knowing their date of Births, but later I found that many of them were born on the date 22. According to the rule of probability, only one of the thirty friends should be born on 22nd of any month. But in actual, the ratio is about 3 to 30. Further, in my closest friends, the number 22 persons appear more frequently.
Is all this just a co-incident? I do not know.
Numbers Related to Number 22 and Number 4
As you know, number 4 is my nature number and it is related to number 13, 22 and 31. All these numbers, i.e. 4, 13, 22 and 31 always played a positive role in my life. Most of my close friends and relatives are born on above dates. Number 13 is considered as an unlucky number for many, but this number never brought bad things for me. According to numerology, apart from these numbers, number 1, 7 and 8 have a special relationship with me.
I would like to give all the related numbers here:
1,4,7,8,13,16,17,19,22,25,26,28,31. The nature numbers of these people are: 1,4,7,8.
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