I know I should always travel with my camera, however, when I'm on the job as a TCP, (Traffic Control Person, or as we say here in Canada, a Flagger,) my first thought isn't about taking pictures so I leave it sitting in my desk drawer. However, there have been more times than I can remember where I should have slipped the darn thing in my pocket!
So what do you do when you are caught without your camera and you really, really want that picture?
Well, if you are anything like me, you never travel without your phone, and when it comes down to getting 'that shot', your phone can be a great 'pinch hitter' when you need one! All of these photos were taken with my Samsung Galaxy GT cell phone, and I have to say it takes excellent photos!
The only feature I wish it had is a zoom. Some of the shots that I can clearly see with my eyes don't show up in the pictures, at least when viewed on the phone. However, when imported into a program on my computer, like Picasa or Photoshop, the images are surprisingly good.
Thanks redelf :) I'm quite pleased with my little phone...nice to know it takes pictures as well as my camera, even if it doesn't have a zoom feature. It's good enough for work :)
These are great photos, Enelle. My old camera would have been proud to have laid claim to taking them. I hope to see more of your amazing photo travels.