Submit your manuscript for review and the opportunity for a publishing contract. New and seasoned authors are welcomed to submit their previously unpublished manuscripts in this open call. We are accepting a wide range of genres, novels, novellas and short stories. Read more to learn how to submit your manuscript for review!

Open Call for Manuscript Submissions
by NanciArvizu
New and seasoned authors welcomed to submit their manuscripts for review.
New and Seasoned Authors Welcomed
First book or 50th, new and seasoned authors are welcomed to submit their previously unpublished work for review.
Our simple submission process makes it easy to get your book in line for possible review.
Submissions will be acknowledged quickly, we don't keep our authors waiting!
Send us your best query letter and the first 5 pages of your manuscript. If we like what we read, we'll get ask for the full manuscript to review.
List of Genres Long
In fact, the list of what we're not looking for is easier to read and remember.
We are NOT accepting:
Film Scripts
Screen Plays
Other than those two genres, we're open to just about anything. As long as it grips us from the beginning!
The number of genres is limitless -
Young Adult
Text Books
Research Studies
Photography/Photo Books
The list is endless!
Novels, Novellas and Short Stories
We are looking for authors who are writing:
Short Story Collections
We are also interested in publishing:
Full Color Children's Books
Photography Books (Photo Books)
Educational Textbooks
Non-Fiction Books
Submit your manuscript for review today at
I look forward to reading your work
It's the best part of my job, reading the amazing stories created by talented story tellers.
Add your story to my review que! Get your book published!
Get Your Audience Together
Successful authors know it takes time to build an audience who is connected and loyal to the authors work. The time to start building the audience is when you're still writing the book.
Building the foundation shouldn't be difficult. Just create a blog and then commit to posting new content to that blog at least 3 times a week. Easy, right?
Not really. Many authors don't want to spend the time creating much less managing a blog or website. But that piece of virtual real estate is a vital part of any authors marketing plans.
Having a Contributors Blog on Writing and Reviews provides authors with that precious virtual real estate without the hassles of creation or management. And we offer authors the opportunity to create an alternative revenue stream using the same content used to build their audience!
Visit Writing and Reviews today to learn how you can build your audience and create an alternate revenue stream from your writing.
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NanciArvizu, Very helpful! It always helps to be reminded of such guidelines as "The time to start building the audience is when you're still writing the book."
What are the fees, and how is the work presented for publication? I had a couple of books published, then found out the publisher was a print on demand, which means they advertise a book, and if someone buys it they print that one copy. I thought they wold send my work out to bookstores, but that never happened. So, exactly what service do you provide, and at what cos to the author?