Owl Costumes for Babies

by Tehreem

Try something different this Halloween! Find out some amazing Owl Costumes for your kids to wear this Halloween. Be the cutest bird around.

Owls have always been a fascination for children. These creatures who stay awake at nights and sleep in day time have always been mysterious for kids. I myself was fascinated by them when i was young.
Kids would love to do something different for this Halloween. Owls are definitely cute when one comes to think of it.
The most popular owls children know are Hedwig from the Harry Potter series and of course the owls of Legend of the Guardians. If your little one has seen any of these movies now and wants an owl costume, you can get him an incredible costume to fullfill his wish. Check out below for some amazing Owl Costumes available for online buying and shipping.

Why an Owl Costume?

Owls are just about the coolest birds out there. They're right up there with eagles and egrets. They're mysterious, they're almost always hanging out with wizards and witches, and, unlike some other weird looking birds, owls can be pretty cute. By combining your adorable kid with a cool bird like the owl, you can definitely have a hit costume on your hands this Halloween.

Hedwig The Owl Costume

Harry Potter Hedwig the Owl Costume
Only $50.53

Hedwig Costume for Toddlers

Any Harry Potter fan will love to have this costume for Halloween. This Hedwig costume is incredibly soft and is perfect for colder regions. The plush material of this costume is very durable and doesn't need much washing.

The costume is a white jumpsuit with attached Hedwig headpeice and wings. It has foot covers with attached talons and a leather look collar to complete your magical transformation.

Babies would love to monkey around on Halloween! Help your little one get more fun than a barrel of monkeys by getting him an adorable monkey costume!
Baby Elephant Costumes will make sure your babies look adorable this Halloween. The same costumes can be used for lots of dress up parties afterwards.

Owl Costume For Girls

This adorable owl costume will be a big hit on all the Halloween parties your child attends. It is the cutest costume i have come across and it also has high customer reviews and ratings.

The costume is a cute jumpsuit with attached wings. It comes with a headpiece with attached bow and leg warmers. The material is very soft and will be perfect for toddlers.

What i loved the most about this costume is the striped tie and matching leg warmers. The headpeice is also very cute and is easy to take on and off without any extra effort.

Colorful Owl Costume For Toddlers

This costume has the most amazing and vibrant colors and is also very 'owl-like'.

This costume is different from the regular jumpsuits that we have around. It is an owl dress with a matching hood. Toddlers would feel very comfortable in this dress and the dress won't bug them either.

Halloween is a night of mysteries and in my opinion nothing is more mysterious than an owl! Combining some vibrant colors with this amazing creature will give the best look your toddler can get.

Toddler Owl Costume

Owl Costume for Infants

Size: 0-6 months

This owl costume will be perfect for newborns. The material is soft and plush and will keep your baby warm in cold nights.

The costume is a romper with inner leg snap closures for easy diaper changes. The character headpeice comes with the costume and will look very cute on babies.

Warm Owl Costume For Babies

Need an Extra Pair of Wings?

Get some widespan owl wings to match your costume.
Only $24.18
Updated: 07/28/2012, Tehreem
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Mira on 10/23/2014

These owl costumes are great ideas for Halloween :) Pinning

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