Pet Rock Frogs

by evelynsaenz

Teach children to read with pet rock frogs...

Imagine the fun of learning to read with your very own Pet Rock Frogs! Choose a river rock. Paint the rock to look like a frog and the fun begins. Art and nature come together to draw kids into the world of reading...

Photo Credit: Pet Rock Frog by Avia Venefica
Used under creative commons.

How to Make your own Pet Rock Frogs!

Frog rocks are fun to make...


Today we will make pet rocks painted to look like frogs. These frog rock pets will later be used to help children learn to recognize letters and begin to read.

First we will take a walk down to the river where the rocks have been smoothed by years of tumbling in the water. Choose rocks about the size of your fist. Look for rocks with a frog shape that could easily sit on a flat surface. Imagine your pet frog sitting on a lily pad.


Photo Credit: Frog Shaped Rock by MonkeyMyshkin
Used under creative commons.


Pet Rock Frogs in the Shower!

Give your Pet Rock Frog a Bath...

Washing RocksBefore you paint your rocks to look like frogs you will need to scrub them clean. They need to have all the dirt and any oil washed off so that the paint will stick. Then let them dry overnight. We placed our rocks on the wood stove to make sure that they were fully dried before attempting to paint them.


Photo Credit: Washing Rocks by Wonderlane
Used under creative commons.

Abracadabra! Rocks become Frogs!

Turn your Pet Rocks into Frogs!

Use a primer to paint your rock and let it dry for about an hour. While the paint is drying, make some sketches to get an idea of just how you would like your frog to look. Then paint your rock a nice froggy green. At this point you will be painting an overall green coat for a base. The details of the frog will be added soon. "Patience grasshopper!"


Paint your rock to look like a frog!

Make your frog look like a frog...

Using a fine soft paintbrush, add details to your pet rock frog to make it look like a frog. You might want to look at photographs of real frogs or consult your nature journal from when you visited the frog pond.

Add a large frog mouth and eyes. Behind the eyes are the frog's ears that look like large circles. Paint large feet and legs in the back and smaller feet in the front.

Set your frog on a flat surface to dry overnight.

Green Paint for your Pet Rock Frog

Final coating for your Pet Rock Frog

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DecoArt DCP03-9 Patio Paint, 8-Ounce, Fern Green

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Name Your Pet Rock Frog!

Would a frog with any other name smell so sweet?

     Have you ever noticed that frogs are lighter colored on the bottom than on the top? Paint a lighter shade of green or greenish white on the underbelly of your pet rock frog. While it is drawing, brainstorm names for your frogs. Your frogs should have both a first and last name.

     Once the underbelly is dry, write the name of your frog on the bottom.

     Over the next couple of days, paint the entire Pet Rock Frog with several coats of clear glossy polyurethane. The polyurethane will help to protect your beautiful paint job as well as give your frog a shiny look that reminds us that the skin of frogs in real life must stay moist.

     Make sure your frog is completely dry before playing the following games with your Pet Rock Frog...

How many Pet Rock Frogs would you like?

Can you ever have too many Pet Rock Frogs?
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Be sure to create frogs in pairs with matching words on the bottom in order to play matching games.

Word Games for Pet Rock Frogs!

Frog Games...

Make lily pads from felt squares. Write a word on each lily pad to match the words written on your Pet Rock Frogs. Children place the frogs on the correct lily pad and then write the name or word on a recording sheet. The recording sheet could have lily pads and or frogs for the children to write their answers on.

Frog Pets from A to Z

An alphabet of Pet Rock Frogs

Place your Pet Rock Frogs in alphabetical order. Once you have started painting frogs there will be no stopping you. Soon you will have 5, 10, 15... maybe even 100 Pet Rock Frogs. That is when the fun really begins.

You could name 26 frogs with a different initial letter for each frog? How about Bobby Bullfrog, Carrie Croaker, Freddy Frog, Lucia Lily pad, Molly MosquitoEater, Peter Pollywog, Quentin Quagmire, Rachel Rib-bit, Sally Smile, Tommy Tadpole etc.

Which is your favorite Frog Pet Rock?

Chose your favorite Frog Pet Rock Names
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If you think of a name to go with a letter that is missing, just leave a message at the bottom of the page and I will cvome back and add it.

Frogs, Frogs and More Frogs!

Frog Games, Activities and Ideas...

Frog Unit Study: Hopping to learn...
Rib-bit and read! There's more than science down by the frog pond. Hop off your lily pads and learn how to read, write, add and more. Dozens of frog themed activities for teaching children in fun, hands-on creative ways. Dive into learning with the frogs...

Toss the Frogs Game
How many frogs will land on their feet? Similar to Pass the Pigs, the Toss the Frogs Game is a fun way to learn beginning math facts.

A Day filled with Frogs!
Greetings, Morning Meeting and Morning Message with a frog theme. Get your day off to a great start with these ideas inspired by the Responsive Classroom approach to group dynamics.

Frog Themed Art Projects
Mix up a froggy green and decorate your learning spaces with lily pads, rushes, a frog pond and frogs leaping for flies and mosquito.

Frog on a Log Compound Word Game
Match the two frogs and place them on the correct log to create compound words with a frog theme.

Learning about Frogs
Blogging about frog themed, hands-on activities. Learn the difference between frog eggs and toad eggs and how to use that information to teach about place value.

How many Pet Rock Frogs would you like to have?

Can you ever have enough Pet Rock Frogs?
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Updated: 10/18/2013, evelynsaenz
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katiem2 on 04/01/2012

I love both rocks and frogs so I can't go wrong, what a fun activity. My kids are going to love this :)

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