For all the women construction workers, home improvement enthusiasts, avid do-it-yourself types and crafters - here's a good selection of pink tools with one thing in common ... each one is a fine example of a pink hammer.
All are well made built-to-last types, range in sizes from small up to heavy duty and come in a variety of models - ball peen hammers, claw hammers and general purpose models. They come from a range of well known manufacturers - Stanley Tools and Tomboy Tools to name but two.
The five best pink hammers are featured below - they're all best sellers, popular, user friendly and offer good value for money. And they definitely won't be borrowed by the boys.
Oh wow, I have pink tools. I get one each year for Valentine's Day. It's my husband's idea of a romantic yet practical gift. I love my pink hammer. I used it just recently to help patch a hole in our roof. Just because tools are pink, doesn't mean they aren't serious.