Seeds Are.....
Seeds come in many different sizes and even different shapes. Seeds are packed full of what? Look beyond the surface. A seed holds all the information that it needs of all the opportunities that it will be in the future. It can be the tiniest but it can grow to be the biggest tree and the most beneficial of all. It grows towards the light. It must first be planted in the dark under the surface of the soil. With some water it softens and breaks out of its shell and begins to grow. Those that grow big and tall and strong will provide shelter, food and shade for those that need it. These seeds can be seeds from a plant or tree but the ones that I am talking about today, in this article, are the thoughts that you plant in the gardens of other’s minds.
I am back! I lost my login info and finally got it all back! What I have been planting during all this time is love and peace and understanding in and towards others. Those seeds have done lots. For some they have grown and for others they landed on hard rock and still in others they are still waiting to sprout or they are taking their time in doing so.
As for my gardens, well they are my gardens and right now it is very cold and windy and we will have lots to do before we plant in the spring. We have a raised garden that needs to be dismantled and put back together correctly.
Yes, I know how you feel, Sandy. But even during these winter months there are things that you can be doing. I am working on my soil and filling up my new raised beds with compost. I will tidy up the existing raised beds, fastening them together properly, and there is some tidying to be done at the back of the plot. So there is enough to do.
I cannot wait until springtime to start my garden again. Love the poem.
How true - little things can be seeds that grow in our minds or the minds of others. Love the poem!
Thanks for you comment
What a nice article. I really do believe good nutrition and the right supplements can lead to healthier emotions.
Oh but I think you are missing the point of this....planting seeds in other people's lives and watching them grow....
Sure, you know I've been seeing more and more heirloom seeds when I shop for seeds.
Thank you katie
It is that time of year and yes it is amazing the many bounties a seed holds.