Promoting Your Work to Increase Your Online Earnings

by blackspanielgallery

Promotion of work online is important, but it must be done right. There are ways to reach greater audiences, and many methods of promoting your work that may be less obvious.

Writing online is rewarded only if you can get traffic, and the more traffic you can send to your site the better. People cannot but products that you are showing if they do not get to your pages. Adsense only pays if people view, and hopefully click, an ad. So, writing and not promoting is about as effective as writing and not posting at all. Even if you are just writing to get a message out, like promoting environmental responsibility, you have to bring in readers, or you could yell your message out in the middle of a forest with about the same impact.

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Promote on Multiple Sites

I use quite a few sites.  Each of these provides a backlink, and each one addresses a different audience.  Bu, I have other things to do, so I do not have an hour to promote one article.  Get organized, and things happen in minutes. 


To improve your readership, use hashtags “#” often, even if you must type an extra word or phrase to the description.  Hashtags for multiple word phrases require the words to be run together, and each word have only its first character capitalized. 


The Buttons for Social Media

Many sites like Wizzley have buttons for social media.  The ones in the lineup I use are Twitter, Facebook, and G+.  However, sometimes I pass on G+.  More on this later. 



My followers on any one of these social media sites  is small compared to many other people’s followers, and G+ is definitely a site where I have but a few followers.  So, if you add hashtags there are others who might find your work.  But, the reason I do not always click the G+ button is because there is often a better way.


Access your G+ account, and join communities.  Check any restrictions for the communities you join, since the organizer is allowed to set up the rules.  In particular, look for any prohibition regarding affiliate marketing.  Once you have a new article, if it does not fit a community that you have joined click the G+ button.  You will get an opportunity to add hashtags, and one image does appear with your post.  If the article is acceptable by a community that you have joined, access your Google+ and open that community.  Post through the community.


I joined a “coin collecting” community to see how communities work.  Using a community gives several pluses. 

  • You get a targeted audience.  Other people in the community are interested in your topic.
  • You probably have several communities to choose from with a topic like Disney or Christmas.  Pick a large audience.  Now you get a larger reach with your work.  (I just added one community of each Disney and Christmas.)
  • People in the community want the information, so many subscribe to an automatic email when a new post arrives.  This prevents your work from getting lost before it is made known to the audience.
  • Community posts are fewer than G+ general posts, so your work stays on the community front page long enough to be found.


Are You in Any Communities on G+?  

If you do not mind, would you please share which ones below


G+ Poll

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Are you in any G+ communities>

Twitter and Facebook

For Twitter and Facebook I simply use the buttons provided.  The addition of hashtags can be accomplished before pressing the button that posts your work.


I have joined Pinterest for Business, which does not cost anything.  Posting onto Pinterest using the button is not as good as going to your Pinterest account and pinning multiple images to a board.  Open your account and select a board.  Then select “Add a Pin” and select “From the Internet” when you get a choice.  Cut and paste the URL from your article into the box.  You will get a number of images from which to select.  Pick them one at a time, add some words, and find the board to which the pin is being added.  You do not have to keep adding the URL, Pinterest remembers it.  Once one is added you can just keep selecting and pinning, adding words each time. 


Now, if someone sees any item from what you have pinned that they like they can get to it via Wizzley.  You do not have to hope they realize that you are showing other items than the one pinned.

Stumbleupon Resources

Stumbleupon is a huge traffic source.  I had one article get over 1600 hits in two days, then slowed down.  Most articles get three hits, but you never know when one will get promoted for you. 

The problem with Stumbleupon is choosing a category.  Some articles are difficult to place.  And, they call things by strange names.  I place party articles under “entertaining others” or “kids” depending on the type of party.  And Disney product articles are usually placed under “kids.”  


Digg is so easy to use it is something I just add.  All you need is the URL.  I am not seeing an increase in traffic from, but it does add a backlink.

Delicious is another one I use.  It is simple enough to add.  And, like Digg, it does add a backlink.


I find Pingomatic works, and after starting using it I get a number of hits from some sites that were not sending me traffic before.  Pingomatic sometimes has a glitch, so go back and try again.  It may take three or four efforts.  You will know when the pings were sent.


I do not use Redgauge.  I was on it, then got locked out.  After many efforts to reset my password, and a contact to support I finally got in briefly, only to be unable to find the money I had made.  Then, I got locked out again.  Recently, I tried to reactivate my account only to get a message that applications are being screened, and if selected I would hear back from them.  I have no time for a site that is so difficult to work with.

How Do I Manage These in Minutes?

First, I click the buttons Wizzley provides.  Then, I open G+ if I have a community, and go to the community.  I write some added words and hashtags.  I simultaneously open Digg, Delicious, Stumbleupon, and Pingomatic.  I clear the third line from Pingomatic as I open it, since I do not use it.  Next, I open my article and cut and paste the URL into all five of the above.  For G+, and Digg I submit as I pass them.  Next, I copy the title of the article into Delicious, Pingometic, and Stumbleupon, submitting Pingomatic as I go.  For Stumbleupon, I add the title to the description box.  Next, I add tags to stumbleupon and copy them to Delicious.   I select a category and click the box that your content is suitable for all users on Stumbleupon while I am there.  Finally, I cut and paste the short description from my article and add it to delicious and under the title in Stumbleupon, hitting submit as I go.


Pinterest takes longer.  But, it is worth adding.  I do not interrupt the flow above with Pinterest, rather I cut and paste the URL when I am ready to add all of the products.


If You Have Other Social Media Free Sites, Please Share Below

This article contains links to affiliate programs from some or all of Amazon, Zazzle, Viglink, and Ebay through Viglink, and Adsense advertising.  These must use cookies to allow for proper crediting.

Updated: 04/01/2017, blackspanielgallery
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blackspanielgallery on 07/28/2015

I am not certain there is a G+ community for every article, and while you can start one yourself there are no members at first. some topics like Christmas amd Diney have a lot of communities, and the number of members in each s given.

WriterArtist on 07/28/2015

@blackspanielgallery - I have not explored the G+ communities, not sure how they work. But I do use the facebook, Pinterest and twitter buttons that Wizzley provides. Looks like you manage your time quite efficiently on all these social media sites that are quoted in the article.

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