I first heard about Bob Marley's stint at Chryler In a 2009 BBC Radio 4 programme, 'Bob Marley: the Chrysler Year'. Jonathan Charles revealed how every year in Wilmington, Delaware the annual People’s Festival pays tribute to Bob Marley and his music.
Marley spent time here during the 1960s and early 1970s. He worked for a year at the Chrysler car plant as a fork-lift truck driver on the night shift.
It is a period in his life which has been largely ignored, but it influenced his creative output.
Hi Mira. I guess it was cheaper to have a mixed assembly line than two separate ones! Who knows what motivated their crazy thinking. Thanks for your comment. :)
"Although blacks and whites worked together on the assembly line, the canteen was segregated." Go figure. Thank you for sharing, Kathleen!
I know - two opposing ideologies you would think!
The part which made my heart sink most was that the KKK Grand Dragon was a member of the Union. How could that person align the two? *sigh*