Reiki: An Alternative Health Juggernaut
Reiki is a Japanese technique that reduces stress and promotes relaxation.
What is Reiki?
There's a lot of misunderstanding concerning the specifics of reiki and its effectiveness on the body. If you ask someone on the street what reiki is, they may guess it’s a type of sushi. Those that have heard of it often confuse it with massage.
Reiki is a Japanese spiritual practice centered on relaxation and whole body healing. Massage is a very beneficial method of treating symptoms, but it's not a long-term healing solution. Although massage is a soothing, temporary technique for the body, it doesn’t treat the root causes of the pain (which is why it’s often required on a routine basis.)
What Is Reiki? How Does It Work?
Reiki and Healing
Reiki helps to restore balance by eliminating problematic energy blockages, effectively eliminating symptoms. This whole body healing is in direct opposition to Western medicine, which only treats the symptoms- sometimes aggressively. Reiki works by restoring balance to the energy channels in the body, and by giving over energy where its been depleted or reduced. Many people have achieved improved physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health including (but not limited to):
- Reduced back pain
- Less migraines
- Less chronic fatigue
- Elimination of autoimmune issues
- Increased self-esteem
- Balanced emotions
- Overcoming fears
- Ability to accept death
- Coping with grief and discord
- Stress reduction
- Depression & anxiety relief
- Eliminating insomnia
- Reducing confusion
- Spiritual loss
- Renewed sense of purpose
- Increased empathy for others
What Is Reiki Blog
Healing With Reiki
Master Reiki
Reiki manipulates and restores energy within the body, much in the same way that acupuncture opens blocked energy paths within the body. Reiki therapists, however, are less focused on manipulating the energy of the individual and more on energy transference.
Energy transference refers to giving energy over to the individual being treated. Individuals receiving treatment can keep their energy channels open in between sessions through chakra exercises and meditation stones. These additional tools will help to maximize the experience and the results.
The practitioner uses a variety of hand positions, holding his / her hands in one spot without actually touching the person. This process helps to restore energy to a particular area over the course of several minutes per position.
An entire session can take anywhere from sixty to ninety minutes, which ends with the individual being feeling a noticeable shift in his/her energy - often with a reduced or complete elimination of the problematic symptoms.
Unlike other conventional treatments in western medicine, reiki focuses on treating the person as a whole instead of treating individual symptoms. No matter the aliment, reiki will help you to achieve spiritual, emotional and physical balance.
Reiki is an alternative health technique that aids whole body healing. It provides a greater sense of belonging and empowerment, providing a broader, stronger sense of well-being. It may not solve all of your problems, but it will certainly help to improve your overall quality of life.
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What's your opinion of reiki?
In my experience lovely, relaxing and certainly stress reducing, I find both for the receiver and the giver.
I have heard bout Reiki but have not experienced. Good article on Reiki.
Good deal - it's addictive and thanks for commenting!
I love Reiki! I practice it, on myself and my family, as well as attending a Reiki circle once a month. Everyone benefits, even if they don't experience an instant miracle cure! At least people feel relaxed and free of stress for a while - we all need that.
I've heard lots of good things about reiki and want to try it too. Great article!
@Ragtimelil I'm so glad you discovered reiki. It will do great things for you -- and your dogs :)
I've just discovered Reiki. I was given a Reiki 1 attunement and I'm practicing on myself and my dogs. My old dog has decided that he loves it. The young one wants me to pet him.
@UrsulaRose So glad it helped you! Thanks for commenting
@Marlol - I'm sure it will help you. Let me know your experience.
I've always being interested in reiki but never tried it, it's one of my resolutions for this year! I'll let you know how it goes. Great article, by the way!