Review of McCain Craft Beer Battered Potatoes

by StevenHelmer

I purchased this product to go with a fish dinner I was making. Read to find out what I thought of it.

Product Description: Frozen sliced potato fries from the McCain brand covered in a batter made using craft beer. I purchased a bag of this product yesterday evening for a little less than $4 while shopping at one of our local grocery stores. I ended up using the McCain potatoes last night as a complement to the fish dinner I was making.


I told my wife I would bring home dinner last night. But, when I got to the grocery store after work, I realized I had no idea what I wanted to bring home. After some consideration, I decided to pick up a box of fish fillets and, to go with it, visited the freezer section in search of fries.

I was in the mood for something a bit different and looked at some of the frozen fry varieties I had not tried before. After some consideration, I decided to pick up this product because I figured the beer-battered potatoes would be a good complement for the beer-battered fillets. After trying them, my opinion was a bit mixed.

McCain Potatoes
McCain Potatoes
Photo by Steven Helmer

One thing I found I really liked about this product was how crispy the sliced potatoes got when baked. There are a lot of fries out there that promise this. But, very few live up to those promises. The McCain potatoes came out of the oven just the way I like them, crispy on the outside without being too hard overall.

As far as taste goes, however, I thought the fries were just OK. They had a good taste to them. But, there was nothing overly special about them either.

In fact, if it weren't for the bag, I'm not convinced I would have known they had the beer batter on them, there just wasn't anything about the taste that was overly different from any other brand of frozen fries. And, given the higher price, I really was expecting a bit more in this category.


Russet potatoes are high in starch. Russet are perfect to cook mashed potatoes and also are good for baking.

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Final Opinion

Because the fries came out crispy in the oven, I probably would consider buying this brand again. However, because there isn't anything overly special about them when it comes to taste, I also probably would only purchase them if they were on sale.

My Grade: C

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Updated: 12/14/2016, StevenHelmer
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DerdriuMarriner on 07/02/2024

My favorite beers are Sam Adams and the Wisconsin beers.

Do you have a battered potato recipe?

I find it difficult to believe that Sam Adams- or Wisconsin beer-battered potatoes would be anything but A+ delicious for you and your wife ;-D!

judy on 12/14/2016

Thanks for the review, I've been wanting to try this but wasn't sure how they would taste...if I can' find them on sale, I will give them a try.

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