Product Description: Whole wheat fig bars from the Nature's Bakery brand. I purchased three varieties of these fig bars (blueberry, raspberry and apple cinnamon) while shopping at Costco this past weekend and brought them home as a family snack item. I've now tried all three varieties of these bars over the past few days.

Review of Nature's Bakery Fig Bars
by StevenHelmer
I purchased three varieties of these this past weekend. Read to find out what I thought of them.
My first reaction when my wife pointed out this product to me this past weekend was "we already have plenty of snack items at home." In fact, I had just purchased a large box of granola bars and, between those and the various other items in our kitchen pantry, I didn't think we needed anything else.
However, after some consideration, I decided to pick up some of these fig bars anyway, mostly because I knew it they were somewhat healthy and my kids would enjoy them. Plus, if nothing else, it meant I had something else I could put in their lunches or send with them as a snack.
At least, that was the plan. As it turns out, I've been the one eating most of these. And, to tell you the truth, I really wasn't expecting that to be the case.
The thing that really surprised me about these fig bars was the taste. They are made from whole wheat and, even though I'm supposed t be eating more whole grains, that is something I normally avoid because I'm not crazy about the taste. These bars, however, are a nice exception to that. I can still taste the whole wheat (and still am not a huge fan) but the fruit centers of these bars adds just enough sweetness to make up for that.
In addition, while the bars are sweet, they aren't too sweet. This is actually a problem with a lot of similar products, which seem to add a ton of sugar (something that defeats the purpose of a healthy snack). These have just the right amount, enough to give them flavor without going overboard.
The fig bars are also surprisingly filling. You wouldn't expect it just from looking at them because they don't seem to be overly large in size. But, I can eat one of these as an afternoon snack and feel completely satisfied until dinner. This is something that I appreciate because it has saved me money (and calories) because I don't feel the urge to grab something at the convenience store up the street from where I work.
![]() | Nature's Bakery Whole Wheat Fig Bars 8-Flavor Variety Pack, All Natural Snack Food The Nature's Bakery Whole Wheat Fig Bars 8-Flavor Variety Pack contains 1 (2 oz) pack of each flavor, for a total of 8 packs. Flavors included are: Raspberry, Fig, Blueberry, St... |
Final Opinion
I honestly wasn't expecting to like these because of the whole wheat. However, they proved to be a good purchase, both because of the taste and they way they provide a filling snack. I do recommend this product if you have an opportunity to buy it.
My Grade: B
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StevenHelmer, Thank you for product lines, pretty pictures and practical information.
It's always convenient to know about prepared foods that are quality enough to mix with fresh-made, fresh-served items. In particular, I like the flavor: apple cinnamon, blueberry and raspberry.
What was your family's favorite of the three? I'd be most tempted by raspberry, since they grow here and taste great baked or fresh.