If you're like me the Christmas season means lots of baking and cooking. I love using Christmas towels to dry off my hands and to make the kitchen look festive. Santa is always front and center in my Christmas decorating. I find Santa towels with crochet tops the perfect display. For gift giving you can find sets that combine kitchen Santa towels with oven mitts and/or potholders. Vintage Santa kitchen towels are perfect for remembering the Christmas memories. All of the Christmas towels shown here are for sale on ebay today. You won't find a better selection and prices any where on the web.

Santa Kitchen Towel
by Digby_Adams
You'll love adding Santa kitchen towels to your holiday decor. Both practical and whimsical the perfect ambiance for baking Christmas cookies and entertaining.
I just love towels with crochet tops that I can hang from my kitchen cabinet door handles. They are always there when I need them and the look great as well. These are not for only decorative towels in our house. Everyone uses them to dry their hands. Now they aren't great for cleaning counters, just so you know.
My holiday kitchen colors are red and green. If it's not broken don't fix it is my mantra. So after Thanksgiving the golden turkey and Pilgrim towels come down and the vibrant red Santa towels go up. That's about as easy decorating as you can do. Many years that's all I have time for.
I also give these crochet towels as Holiday host gifts. Everyone uses kitchen towels and it's fun to have ones that match the season. You can usually pick these up at Autumn craft shows at very reasonable prices. But if you can't find or attend one, then definitely give ebay a try. Lots of the same people who go to craft shows, also sell their creations of ebay. When I shop on ebay I often look at the seller information and product descriptions to find crafters who make their own stuff.
Crochet Santa Kitchen Towels
Great Finds on ebay!
If you love your kitchen linens to match then definitely buy a Santa kitchen towel set. You'll usually find either an oven mitt or a potholder or both. Looking for a small wedding shower gift, these are perfect. It's the little stuff that you never think about that adds up to a lot of money, when you're putting a new home together.
I know those first few years that my husband and I lived in our new fixer-upper home we were more worried about wiring and plumbing than Xmas decor. Luckily my Mom put out the word that all of our wedding and shower gifts should be practical and boring. We also didn't want people spending a lot of money, so she often said "cheap" as well. As a result we received a lot of kitchen gadgets, towels, and baskets of cleaning supplies. All of that came in so handy. I think of the people who gave us the broom every time I sweep. I'm grateful to the dust pan and brush set giver on a regular basis. Cleaning supplies can come to hundreds (if not thousands of dollars a year) when your rehabbing a home.
Santa Kitchen Towels with Potholder and Oven Mitt
Fabulous Holiday Decor on ebay!
Ebay is bar none the best and most convenient online store for vintage items. This goes for vintage Santa Clause towels as well. Typical retail stores just don't carry vintage or used items. Thrift shops usually don't have lots of selection and antique stores might be too darned expensive. So when I'm looking for vintage linens, ebay is often my first stop.
I love vintage Santa and Christmas decor because it reminds me of the time I spent with my grandmother and even great grandmother getting ready for the holidays. My brothers and sisters and I were always sent over to spend the afternoon to help these women get out the decorations, dust them, polish them, and whenever possible display them.
Using vintage decor in your home, makes it look like you've spent years creating a warmhearted ambiance for your home. The colors and art styles really bring us back to our childhood memories and happy times. So they are an important decorating decision. Vintage is especially wonderful if you have a traditional or country home.
Vintage Santa Kitchen Towels
Holiday Decor at ebay!
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This takes me back to Christmas at Grandma and Grandpa's, good times.