Becoming a birder is a great way to increase your awareness of the earth’s ecological systems. Get in touch with the natural world. Earth Day started in 1970. This year they estimate that over a billion people worldwide will participate by celebrating Earth Day in 192 countries.
1) Why Not Allow Your Back Yard to Get a Little Messy?
What do I mean? Well if you have a yard and you let some leaves or branches lay on the ground, birds could use them either in their nest building or as a place to nest or to find termites or other bugs. The more diversity of plants in your yard the more you will attract birds. Each species offers an interweaving story of the earth. Also tree snags can offer a place of refuge in bad weather or a place to hide from a predator such as a raptor or even a cat.
Do my Visitors Have Tips to Help Birds?
Yes, I bet!
The birds have decided they should share my figs, and seem to enjoy the crop each year.
Once you start to notice the birds, it becomes addicting!
I enjoyed this :). I, too, love birds and wish I could see more species here in Bucharest.