Let's take a look at some of the great ideas that you might want to consider for your Sppoky
Halloween Costume this year.
Devil Halloween Costume: With a pitchfork, red cape and the forked tail, there are lots of ways for you to become this evil character in your Spooky Halloween costume. Devil Costume
Vampire Halloween Costume: There are so many vampire outfits available to buy these days. With the classic cape, the fangs and a trail of blood running down your chin you will be transformed!
Skeleton Halloween Costume: This has to be one of the classic men’s Spooky Halloween costumes with the skeleton being the perfect way to represent the dead. Skeleton Costume
Mummy Halloween Costume: A really fun costume idea which is not too hard to create but you do need the patience to wrap yourself up in bandages.
Serial Killer Halloween Costume: There are lots of famous serial killers that would make for a great Halloween Costume idea this year. You could take a look at the Scream killer or Jack the Ripper amongst others.
Werewolf Halloween Costume: Werewolves have become incredibly popular of late because of movies like Twilight. There are lots of Werewolf Costumes available for you choose from. Don't forget that you will also need to get a great Wolf Mask to go with it. Werewolf Costume
Alien Halloween Costume: The theme of the unknown is always popular at Halloween, and you will always find aliens around at this time of year. So whether you want to turn into one of the scary Predator beasts, become the the alien from Toy Story, be ET who doesn't need to phone home, threaten to exterminate the party goers as a Dalek or be one of the many classic bald-headed alien, the alien costumes that are available can be a fun costume idea for men at Halloween.

Are You looking Forward To A Spooky Halloween This Year?
Some very cool spooky costumes here :)
They look spooky, what a shame we don't really dress up for Halloween in the Netherlands