Stand for Something Right Against Wrong

by RuthCox

The Ultimate Aaron Tippin Audio CD stands strong with its title song taking a stand for right against wrong.

Doing the right thing is often not the easiest of things to do. I know, I’ve lived it through and through and paid the hefty price for taking a stand for what is right against something that is wrong–and I shall do it all over again!

Sure, I have taken a stand against big things, such as poverty and abuse (from whence I came) but I sometimes think the little every day wrongs that become my just cause in my fight for right may be equally as important in the grand scheme of life things.

I have learned that sometimes just not compromising what’s right for wrong by standing alongside a loved one or a friend undergoing an injustice may make all the difference in their world.

I figure there comes a time when a woman (or a man) just has to draw the line in the dirt and prepare to do battle with wrong, even if it means getting hurt. Just do the right thing and you can not go wrong!

Take A Stand

How well will YOU sleep tonight?

I feel we should all wake up every morning and before we even get out of bed, listen to the song lyrics of “You’ve Got To Stand For Something.”

Just maybe if we did, it might guide us in our interactions with others throughout the day. It just might help us to determine what wrong we will take a stand against, as opposed to saying it’s wrong while we look the other way.

As Aaron Tippin sings, “Whatever you do today, You’ve got to sleep with tonight.”


You've Got To Stand For Something

by Aaron Tippin

Songs Stand For the Working Man

And For the Armed Forces of the USA

While the Aaron Tippin hit song became an immediate hit in the country music industry, “You’ve Got To Stand For Something” also quickly catapulted into a song sung by and for America’s armed forces in Desert Storm, with Tippin touring the Mideast along with comedian Bob Hope while entertaining America’s troops in the Gulf War.

Working men and women identify well with the songwriter and country and western singer’s lyrics. If you are a fan of Country Music, you can not go wrong listening to Aaron Tippin! Whether patriotic, for truckers, for the lovelorn, or for the working man--he's got you covered!

Country Music artist Aaron Tippin has been performing for his devoted fans for twenty-five years now. Ultimately, we look forward to another twenty-five of his best!

Just Cause for Standing Up

Inspirational Tune

As often happens, an injustice will take place within a day that irks me and yet, inspires me. Such was the case with this article, for Tippin's song came to mind.

I was privy to a heated discussion, on a writing platform's social site group, regarding image copyright issues. I witnessed Dave Stone taking a stand for what is right against the powers that be. I gained a whole lot of respect for the man as he stood fast in standing up for what he (and I, for that matter) believes in. Hence, this article is dedicated to him. 

Updated: 10/22/2014, RuthCox
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RuthCox on 09/16/2014

Yes, Claudia, a half dozen listeners will get a half dozen different messages from the same song, and none may be what the songwriter had in mind! And yes, Tippin's tune immediately came to mind during a specific discussion of right against wrong. Sometimes we really do have to stand for something.

happynutritionist on 09/16/2014

There is something about music that is so very personal, isn't there? This song seems to have touched you deeply and with good reason from what I'm reading.

Sandy on 08/25/2014

What a lovely thought out post Ruth. Found your link through a Facebook group.

Raintree on 08/24/2014

Lovely to meet you here Ruth! Wonderful review, I had not heard of him before.

Sylvestermouse on 08/23/2014

It is a great song and this is an excellent review! Welcome to Wizzley :)

pkmcr on 08/23/2014

Hadn't come across him but you have prompted me to go and take a look. Welcome to Wizzley Ruth!

BuckHawk on 08/23/2014

Hit a spot in my heart for many reasons. Very nice review of Aaron Tippin's song and the whys we should all take a stand.

Barbara on 08/22/2014

Ruth, it looks terrific! Wonderful job making the switch and a great review with a powerful message <3

Merrci on 08/22/2014

Looks great Ruthi!

SusanZutautas on 08/22/2014

Great Review Ruthi!

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