Poison Ivy, Oak or Sumac omits an oil or resin when disturbed. If you touch or move the plant when walking by you cause the plant to put off a resin or oil that attaches to skin or clothing later causing the insanely irritating rash everyone fears and for good reason. A bar of Fels-Naptha soap cleans the pesky oil or resin from both your clothes and your skin preventing a breakout or further rashes.

Stop or Dry up Poison Ivy, Oak or Sumac Rash and Itching with Fels Naptha Soap
by katiem2
Avoid getting poison ivy, oak, or sumac dry up the oil or rash with this cheap old timey Fels Napth Soap it works every time just wash after being around plants and your good.
How to Stop Poison Ivy Rash After Touching
Avoid Itchy Rash of Poison Ivy by Washing with Pels-Naptha Soap
Poison Ivy and other skin irritants are everywhere come spring and summer. The vines climb and cover the ground, walls, fences and even trees. Yep, poison ivy and such are on many of the things we touch or disturb while outside. We all need to get up off the couch and outside so what do we do to avoid getting poison ivy? Simple, wash with Pels-Naptha laundry soap.
Everyone’s heard the warning, leaves of three let them be. We know to avoid the plant vines and leaves that cause the insane itching and yet it's no fun exploring nature while being the poison ivy police. The best protective measure is heeding the advice; it is better to be safe than sorry. Washing yourself and your clothes with Pels-Napth eliminates the threat of being exposed by washing away any oil or resin you may have come in contact with.
The Cheapest Most Effective Poison Ivy Prevention and Treatment EVER
The 100 Year Old Cure for Poison Ivy
Fels-Naptha is over 100 years old, it's the old school bar type of soap that has been keeping folks free from poison ivy, oak or sumac itch and rashes all while out in nature, where it grows for over 100 years. Stop avoiding good ole mother nature, get out and enjoy the great outdoors and avoid itchy rashes by simply washing up with this old timey bar once you get home.
Sometimes it's best to just let go and have fun worrying about the consequences later.
However, I can’t think of a single person who wants to suffer the after effects of touching poison ivy or walking into its mist. Fels-Naptha is a bar soap that rids the skin of the oils causing that irritating rash. To avoid falling prey to the painful after math of poison ivy, oak or sumac simply wash with Fels Naptha as soon as possible. This is an old timers trick that has stood the test of time.
Fels Naptha Warning
Warning Fels Naptha Dries Out Skin
This is a powerful laundry soap and therefore it will dry your skin out.
This is how it eliminates the oily resin that typically remains on skin after washing with other soaps. It will also remove the nature oils from your skin.
How to Avoid Fels-Naptha from drying skin, use moisturizer after.
Caution - Use moisturizer to the right or below to restore moisture in hands and body to avoid drying out skin.
While it is more comfortable to have dry skin than poison ivy, use a good lotion for the comfort and overall well being of your skin.
Restore Moisture with THIS!
![]() |
Aveeno Intense Relief Hand Cream, 3.5 Oz |
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WriterArtist, It works by drying the oil which causes the rash, stop the oil, stop the rash. Unfortunately, allergy rashes and insect bites are not caused by plant oil and therefore wouldn't work.
Does it work for any itchy rashes and mosquito bites? If yes, it would be a real effective solution to the allergies I get sometimes when I am digging around the garden.
Tolovaj, It works like one was never exposed, if utilized promptly.
I had no idea so simple remedy could be so effective. Thanks, katiem2, for presenting Fels-Naptha soap.
DerdriuMarriner, This old timey little bar of soap works wonders for stopping poison ivy before it can spread and cause that painful itching.
katiem2, Thank you for the information and the product! Northward I never had a problem with poison ivy but southward I'm finding myself painfully allergic to it.
frankbeswick, give it a go, I am most confident it will work wonders.
Thanks Katie, we are not aware of this remedy over here.
Frankie, Glad to help, this old fashioned remedy for poison ivy works and is a time proven treasure.
frankbeswick, I think it would, it simply cleans away the resin, residue, oils the plant leaves behind. The quicker you wash the better after exposure but it works. I am highly allergic to all kinds of plants other than the obvious and it works for me every time.