I came across a family game recently called Rory's Story Cubes and it definitely caused me to take a second glance. No, it is not new at all but it is a great game and there is something lovely about being able to conjure up a story using imagination and nothing more.
It is a delicious concept in a world where most toys are electronic in some way and provide all the pictures and the story line and more. Children no longer have to use their imagination to entertain themselves. Imagination is important, I have always believed this and now I found a game that uses the imagination.
How do you promote imagination in your children?
I like your ideas. I too am trying to foster imagination but can catch myself being too prescriptive at times and not leaving them room to think for themselves. Working on that! :-) Thanks for your input!
What a really cool concept and yes imagination is a really important quality. I inspire my children's imagination by encouraging art, theater, writing and asking them what they think a lot. I will ask them what they want to have for dinner, how we might do it differently and on and on in every regard. Those little minds are thrilled to be in demand and appreciated. :)