You don't want your entire success building to be without foundation. Imagine working in a building made with no reinforced beams, concrete, or foundation just some plywood stitched together quickly. Sure it will stand nicely until the wind blows too hard, but its very integrity will falter.
I wouldn't want to be successful this way. In fact those who do achieve success through failure (as opposed to the get rich quick mentality to success through shortcuts), do not fall when things go horribly wrong.
People who are fortified by lessons learned in failure are like a rubber ball and bounce, but the gravity of the fall itself just makes them bounce higher when they hit rock bottom. They always end up in a higher more stable place because they've learned not just how to become successful (mechanically i.e. learning how to do it) but in failing they've learned how to fall without landing on their face and thus falling is just a minor inconvenience... they can walk it off. Past failures can also teach them how to not fall all the way down but to throw an anchor out to stop their fall.
Those who didn't fail, have no idea what to do when it all goes bad. Fortification of skill sets are how you build habits that create harmony in almost automated fashion. Again, it's you that changes to harmonize not the environment or circumstances.
The universe has a revolving credit account in your name and at any given time you’re depositing into the worth of that account. You essentially deposit currency into this account every time you work towards your goal. If you don't have faith that changes the very value of your contribution because you'll feel cheated or disappointed if you concentrate on the reward now rather than later. If you concentrate on this will all be worth it, I leave it in the universes hands to handle the details of my reward, but right now I'm in the working stage of my dream, then you will have a faster, frictionless trip to your dream.
The irony is that we put way too much value on the short-run and almost none in the long run. Would you rather have 1.00 now or would you rather have a penny a day that would double every day for a year? That is today you get one penny (put into an account not your hands), tomorrow 2 pennies is deposited (now 3 cents in your account) then the next day 4 pennies... and so on.
Working towards your dream is like the pennies. If you expect the money now, you won't see any value in the pennies that double every day and later give you an enormous return on your investment, in fact to take this metaphor a step further, you don't even get to know that the pennies double, you don't even know they exist, but they do.
Faith is sacrifice without the stigma. The fact is it feels like sacrifice only when you contrast it with the reward you want NOW. When you have faith you don't think about the reward, you think about weather or not you’re stepping closer to your goal, and you realize that every baby step is just such a journey. When you don't concentrate on instant results/reward you tend to notice the progress you're making more, because your reward is not just the dream manifest, it's enjoying the journey to your dream!
Good Luck!

Great article Jerrico, I love failing as it means I'm working my goals. My favorite word is NEXT! :)K
Thanks for sharing Tolovaj!
I would like to add one interesting and not most known quote by the man who made a lot of dreams come true, W. Disney: You may not see it when it happens, but sometime a kick in the teeth may be the best thing for you.
Thanks for this inspirational wizz:)
Thanks 2uesday and Cherylone! Glad to inspire you Cherylone :) 2uesday I love your post, it's deep and absolutely true!
I really enjoyed this article. I sometimes forget that the work I do today will pay off for tomorrow because sometimes the work just doesn't go well. Thanks for the inspiration.