Teach Your Kids to Read

by mysteeqz5

Are your children interested in reading? You can teach them yourself. Enjoy this time learning the sounds of the alphabet and then progress onto phonics.

Learning to read is fun

From the time you start singing the alphabet to your baby, you are setting them on the path to reading. By reading to your baby, you can start to build a love of books. Your continued reading will give your child a love of the written word. Before you know it, they will be "reading" their favorite books to you. They love reading the same books over and over again. They learn through repetition. They always seem as engaged in the book as the first time they read it.

By memorizing their favorite books, children love to pretend to read. It's amazing what they are able to retain when they truly enjoy it.

Teaching your kids to read, can be both fun and educational, it will also set them onto a course of life long literacy.

Educational Phonics or Reading Sites

Reading Eggs
Online reading program

Fun phonics and beginning reading site

Educational games about letters and words

Learning all the Sounds of the Alphabet

Fun way to learn sounds
LeapFrog: Letter Factory

Reading Curriculum

The best reading programs for kids will be something that you are comfortable teaching. Each program has their own strengths and weaknesses. You, as a teacher, must be willing to use the material to teach your child. Some parents find they want the scripted lesson plans to build teaching confidence, but others find them annoying. You do not need to follow the script exactly but feel free to cater the program to your child's needs.

You child may not want to sit down and do seat work, why not write it out on the white board or chalk board and make it more fun. Use it to play games and don't feel as though you need to complete a lesson each time. Set a timer and do whatever you can in 10 or 15 minutes.

Some days your child will do more, some days it will be less. Don't make it a battle and always end it on a positive note so that your child will be more willing to open the book again.

Beginning Readers

Once you have completed a phonics book, and are working your way through a phonics workbook, you can start to build fluency. A great phonics program will introduce them to the sounds and blends. However, they will need to continue on building their fluency. Bob Books are a great way to give new readers and sense of accomplishment. Each book focuses on a few letters and short vowel sounds but allows the child to read a complete story.

They are not the most exciting stories but the idea is to have the child read a book by themselves. It will give them confidence in their reading abilities and allow them to progress onto more difficult books later on.

Reading will give your child a window into another world and hopefully create a life long love of books. Reading is skill that is too important to ignore, however, as the parent you can also enjoy this time teaching them. The light bulb moment when they suddenly are able to read that new word is just precious.

Why not enjoy this time reading and talking about they books they love.

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Updated: 12/21/2012, mysteeqz5
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evelynsaenz on 07/31/2012

Reading aloud to children is the number one way to help launch a child become a lifelong reader.

sheilamarie on 07/25/2012

Children who are read to from a very young age can't help but fall in love with books! Reading aloud together is such a cozy thing to do and helps you bond as a family.

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